Sunday 3 December 2006

Scholarship Saturday

Yesterday I sacrificed my attendance at the music school (where I teach) prize-giving to watch my students perform just to be at school to sit my Scholarship Statistics exam. You don't know how much I wanted to be there to watch my students perform! Instead I had to sit in the school library for nearly three hours trying to complete an exam I would have no chance at passing.

Aonghas had to cover for me instead, and apparently it went well so that's good. I'm really proud of those kids for being able to get up there and perform in front of an audience!

As for me, because my parents had to drop my brothers off at the prize-giving, they dropped me off at school early. With no one around I just sat there by myself trying to study as much statistics as I could. In the days prior to the exam, I spent most of the time just mucking around and going shopping with my mum and brothers at Lynn Mall and West City.

So I was sitting there outside the library studying, checking my watch ocassionally. The time was approaching 9.10am, the check-in time, but no one else, not even the exam supervisors had turned up! A car then pulled into the carpark. At approximately the same time Joon, Hyun and Heather walked up the driveway. We all just talked and discussed leaving the exam early if we felt like there was no point (of course not Hyun though) before we all went in about five minutes before the exam.

We each got a nice comfy chair and a large table to sit at for our scholarship exam. I had to sit at the front table, so I didn't have the luxury of seeing how the others were coping with the exam.

The exam itself was...well I don't really know. I tried to put down as many answers as I could, and I filled 10 of the 26 blank pages they gave me to write on. Also as a promise I made with a few people (originally as a joke) I wrote down some names in my answer booklet in ...certain places...

Heather left the exam first, with Joon leaving about half an hour after that. It was now two hours into the exam and I had promised the others I'd leave by two hours into the exam or else I wouldn't leave at all. I really wanted to leave, but Hyun still going behind me kinda put some pressure on me to keep going! Also I kept wondering if I'd regret leaving early, knowing I could've done more! I also didn't know what I'd do with myself for the rest of the time, or what my mum would say if she knew I left early! In the end I decided I'd stay till two hours thirty minutes. I just sat outside talking to Joon for the rest of the time.

After the exam I had to rush off to accordion lessons still in my school uniform. When I got there my accordion teacher forgot that I had an exam in the morning and thought it was a bit odd seeing me in my school uniform, while Jessica (my fierce accordion rival!) also saw me in my uniform. I suppose that was good publicity for Rutherford!

I had church today, this time I wasn't the only person in my Sunday school class, with Angie and the other girl Jennifer showing up. We talked about school rules and family rules, and Jennifer, who goes to Westlake, told us about how they're not allowed cellphones PERIOD at school, and so all the girls go into the toilets at lunchtime to use their phones!! Angie and I just looked at each other and laughed. It's a bit sad, as I have to move to a different Sunday school class next year, the university students class, so I won't be able to be in the same class as them anymore!

Oh well I've got to go back to school for book returns tomorrow and to collect my money when Joon helps me win a bet! (He better!!) Only one more exam to go (Chinese), and then that'll be it for me!!

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