Sunday 31 December 2006

Year In Review Survey

Was 2006 a good year for you?

Yep really fun!

What was your favourite moment of the year?

Heaps of favourite moments! Slave Day, AUT Camp, International Languages Week, the ball, prize-giving, year 13 dinner, Sarena's party, Gwen's house, International Village at lunchtimes, last few days at school, OK maybe the whole year!

What was your least favourite moment of the year?

Pulled over by police

Where were you when 2006 began?

I was in Te Atatu Peninsula watching the Sky Tower fireworks

Who were you with?

My family and some random other people who were watching the fireworks too

Where will you be when 2006 ends?

This time probably in the city at that First Light thing at Aotea Centre/Square

Who will you be with when 2006 ends?

Probably my family again!

Did you keep your new years resolution of 2006?

See my next post for that!

Do you have a new years resolution for 2006?

See my next post for that!

Did you fall in love in 2006?

Nah not fall in love! Might have liked someone though...

If yes, with who?

Uh yeah

If yes, do they know?

Hope not but maybe!

Are you still in love with them?

Not in love

Do you regret it?

Yeah kinda (liking them!)

Did you breakup with anyone in 2006?


Did you make any new friends in 2006?


Who are your favorite new friends?

Probably Melissa, Stephen (he's pretty cool!), Gwen, Alex, Angie (I don't know if those people consider me as friends but I consider them as new friends I made this year and they were pretty cool!), who else...there are probably a lot more!! (Remember these are my favourite NEW friends! Everyone else I mentioned in this list have already been my favourite friends already ;) )

What was your favorite month of 2006?

Probably February, March or August as there were no exams and heaps of things at school were going on

Did you travel outside of NZ in 2006?


Did you lose anybody close to you in 2006?

Nah although Steve Irwin's death was pretty sad! Oh and so was Peter Brock's and James Brown's. Not so much Suddam Hussein's... None of these people are close to me though anyway! Although a few of my fish and tadpoles did die which was sad, as well as Uncle Tom who died a couple days before his wedding anniversary.

Did you miss anybody in the past year?

My dad when he went to Melbourne, and maybe the twins a little when they went away to Korea?

What was your favourite movie that you saw in 2006?

House of Flying Daggers! Not exactly a 2006 movie but I watched it in 2006!

What was your favorite song from 2006?

The Only Difference Between Martydom and Suicide is the Press Coverage by Panic! At the Disco (only one I can think of right now)

How many concerts did you see in 2006?

About 5-6? (Orchestral concerts though!)

Did you have a favorite concert in 2006?

Last Night at the Proms! lol nah but Spacifix at school was pretty cool too (yeah not actually a concert I paid to go to I know)

Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2006?

No more than last year, none :D

Did you do a lot of drugs in 2006?

Nah don't think so!

Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?

Yessss!!!!!! At Sarena's and Gwen's! Man I am not good at get-togethers! I need to get out more!

What was the worst lie someone told you in 2006?

Joon telling me he had a girlfriend! OK it wasn't that bad, I probably haven't found out the other lies people have told me yet

Did you treat somebody badly in 2006?

I hope not! But I have a feeling I have...let me know if I have so I can try rectify things!

Did somebody treat you badly in 2006?

Ummm.....nah I don't think any have!

How much money did you spend in 2006?


What was your proudest moment of 2006?

Probably Senior and Junior prize-giving, not too sure if it's meant to be proud of myself or proud of other people though, as I was pretty proud of seeing all these people who you've grown up with getting awards.

What was your most embarrassing moment of 2006?

End-of-year exams!!

If you could go back in time to any moment of 2006 and change something, what would it be?

I would not have got involved in so many activities so close to exams and focus on exams more! But I would have tried to get the Junior Council to have done more and maybe have more events run more frequently towards the beginning of the year (all about school I don't have a life aye!)

I probably would change the times I took my stance against alcohol too far by persuading people not to drink. That was a bit over the top!

What are your plans for 2007?

Go to uni, learn to drive, get a job, buy a new cellphone!

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