Thursday 14 December 2006


This morning I went all the way to Middlemore Hospital just for a five minute appointment where they put these blue rubber rings in between my teeth. Next week I think they're going to put rubber bands around some of my teeth or something like that. Having the rubber rings between my teeth has made it a lot more difficult to eat. I couldn't even eat my chips or my biscuits today!

After that my dad drove me to Mt Roskill, where he then let me try practise driving for the first time in several months. Driving a manual car put me off a little bit as I was really scared of uphill starts, intersections and rolling backwards and smashing into the car behind, so now I'll probably aim for the automatic. Yeah yeah I know that makes me a poof but if I can master the automatic at least then maybe I might get my restricted sometime before I get married!

My dad rang up the insurance company today to enquire about policies for the car we might buy. He ended up having this half an hour conversation with the customer service person about whether insurance policies for cars owned in West Auckland were more expensive than those in Remuera, which ended in the customer service lady asking her supervisor to ensure she gave a correct answer. The answer was that that was the way insurance companies operated!!

I've spent the rest of the night with Aonghas working on the Rutherford Idol DVD, which is looooong overdue! We should've had it completed by the end of last year at least, but we kept having to put it off! We finally got round to sorting it out tonight. I can't believe how many hours of video we recorded for that. Going through it again definitely brought back many memories!

I don't know why but I've been feeling bad about something for the past few days like I've screwed something up, which is really weird. Where's school when you need it to take your mind off certain things!

I realised that I've actually finished school (duuuuuuh you must be saying) but that means I'm allowed a girlfriend! HAHAHAHA...yeah just no girls at the moment...if you're interested my number's 021

Anyway I applied for student allowance today, which has also scared me as I'm not too sure if I gave the correct information, and if I haven't I might be...PROSECUTED!! Not too sure what that involves but I'm guessing some not so nice stuff. Besides that though, if all goes well, hopefully I'll get some free money next year so I can spend it on texting!!! (yes I miss texting really badly. I feel guilty everytime I spend 20c on a text now, as I'm down to my last few cents...or my mum's anyway, and my brother blames me for wasting money!)

On Thursday I'm back to school for my very last time ever in school uniform to attend the Junior Prize-Giving Ceremony. I don't think I'm required to do anything except show up and look pretty. Chen and Yvia will make their first speeches as head students so that'll be something to look forward to. I'll probably be taking Hyun there, and Patrick will probably come too, but I'm not too sure about Heather as she's gone off to Rotorua, while Jane and Joanne are at some drama thing.

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