Friday 22 December 2006


On Monday I went over to the neighbours to sort out the paperwork for the car that I've got to buy. While my parents were talking I wandered over to Szelin's bedroom and so we just started talking about her type of music...not too sure what you call it. Anything besides mainstream music? My parents had already left without me knowing, and when I heard something downstairs I thought my parents had left, but it was actually the little kids coming over, so I decided to leave at that point! Our fridge was going to be delivered any minute as well! I saw Kar-mun (this girl who seems to have a grudge against me for some reason...probably for being a guy!) and said HI to her! hehe

The Chinese man we bought the fridge from soon came with the fridge and we carried that into the house. It's one with a freezer on top and the fridge down below. We gave it a bit of a clean before we went down to Noel Leeming to do washing machine shopping. We were told that the washing machine we were originally looking at would be too small for a family of five. Even though we would get a year's supply of washing powder together with it (which is actually only 12 boxes of washing powder!!) we decided to pass on it and check out the neighbouring Bond and Bond. We found some pretty good washing machines that were slightly larger and slightly cheaper! So we went for those. They had none left though so we'd have to pick it up the next day. We picked it up on Wednesday and boy was it good to be able to wash clothes again! The smell of fabric softener! You don't really appreciate these sorts of things till you don't have it in a while!

We went to Westcity to get the paperwork sorted for the car and when we got back home we found it parked on in our backyard, already in our possession! On Wednesday we tried fixing the car stereo as there was a loose wire somewhere which caused the stereo to turn off just as we went over bumps. Aonghas pulled the stereo out a bit, stuck the screwdriver in and wiggle it about, put the stereo back in and wham bam it was working! It feels a lot better being able to drive down the road cruising to music with bass such as Affirmation by Savage Garden and The Fray! Oh yeah!!!

On Tuesday morning I went back to Middlemore Hospital where they took out those rings in between my teeth and put these metal rings around my back teeth. The dentist was having trouble putting the rings around my teeth because they were shaped funny! She gave up on one of my teeth. When I was about to leave it felt as though my gum was caught in one of the rings. I asked about it, and so the dentist rechecked my teeth. She then realised she had left one of the rings around my teeth and hadn't cemented it down! It was lucky I asked or else I would have loose metal in my mouth!

Yesterday Hamish and I went into the city to get our student allowance stuff sorted out. I was at the StudyLink office, handing my brothers' and my birth certificates to the lady, when I forgot how old Aonghas was! I first told her he was 15, then 16, then 15, then no 16 because he had a birthday last month! We got back home before midday. Aonghas was away with Szelin's dad helping him out with his work.

On Wednesday I was searching all over the net for jobs that I could apply for online, as Aonghas had been called into work (by the way he works at COTTON ON in Westcity so go look for him! He's the one who makes heaps of mistakes around the place ;) ) till midnight and my mum was complaining me for doing nothing. So I ended up applying for Hallensteins and the Pizza Hut Call Centre (in the city, with a carpark provided for that car of yours!) When I got home yesterday morning I was surprised to find that someone from Hallensteins had left a message asking me to ring back, as they wanted to conduct a phone interview with me (despite not having any positions available)! On Tuesday when I was at Westcity I tried asking around for a job. I met up with Elisapeta at No. 1 Shoe Warehouse where she's in some big higher-up manager position, and asked her if there were any positions available and she told me they were all full.

If anyone knows of any jobs that need doing, please let me know, as I am desperately in need of a part-time job! So far this is how my job searching is faring:

Sky City Cinemas: REJECTED
No. 1 Shoe Warehouse: FULL
McDonald's: NO REPLY (I'm going to apply with a paper application form this time!)
Hallensteins: FULL
Pizza Hut: NO REPLY
Burger King: In the process...

Wouldn't it be cool working at somewhere like McDonald's though? I could say to people

"Hi I'm Calum and I flip burgers!" :D

Or at No. 1 Shoe Warehouse

"Hi I'm Calum and I'm a shoe salesman!" :D

Or the Pizza Hut Call Centre:

"Hi I'm Calum and I answer phones at Pizza Hut!" :D

Anyway today Aonghas has his Grade 8 accordion exam so hopefully all goes well!

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