Sunday 31 December 2006

Final Days of the Year

Not very eventful. Oh yeah. Yesterday I practised driving around Te Atatu Peninsula, and I now have a whole new respect for that suburb! I used to think that it was nothing more than a road! (OK a bit of exaggeration there). I drove past Gwen's house, Sarena's house, Shen's house...(yes I remember where you guys live! :D Don't worry!) It was so much more fun driving around there than around Kelston! I got back home in time to watch the news about Suddam Hussein's execution, while Hamish was taken out by my dad to practise driving in my car.

I got a phone call a few minutes later from my dad. I immediately asked him

"Oh no...what happened? Did Hamish crash my car?"

He replied:

"No no no, don't worry he didn't crash it. Smoke just started pouring out from under the bonnet so we pulled over. The guy living in the house we pulled over by came out with a fire extinguisher but fortunately didn't have to use it."

AAARRRRRRGGGHGHHHHHHHH I knew something like this would happen!!! When my mum got home from picking Aonghas up from work, they went out to look for Hamish and my dad, and then took the car to our mechanic friend to get it checked out. I'm a little scared of that car now, and even more scared that I wasted my money on a bomb! The mechanic guy thought the cause was possibly because a plastic bag got caught underneath the car and melted, but I'm not too sure...

Today we had a special New Year's Thanksgiving Service at Church. Hamish, Aonghas and I were playing in it, so yesterday Hamish and I (while Aonghas was working) had to go into church in the morning to have a practice with the pianist and Aunty Helen.

We had to play three tunes, two at the beginning and one after the message. We also played the descant part for these three tunes everyone else had to sing. It sounded a little weird on the accordion.

During the minister's message we went to our seats right at the front, which was scary as we had no one to cover us when we nodded off to sleep! Fortunately I had someone to stare at to keep me awake, as well as kicking Aonghas in the foot to keep him from falling asleep!

After the service we got into groups to share our thoughts on what we were thankful to God for, and my brothers joined my Sunday School class group to share their thoughts. I just said I was thankful for learning stuff in Sunday School, for the cool *winkwink* Sunday School teachers I had and the cool *winkwink* classmates. I was also thankful for cool friends, for my family, friends and me staying alive and healthy throughout the year, and also thankful for getting through 7th form. We had to staple the little stars we wrote down our 'thanks' onto this board. I was using this mini stapler that someone passed on to me, and while my star got stapled to the board, another fell down, and I tried putting it back up but then a few more fell down! Someone who had a more powerful stapler came over and took over for me thank goodness!

Us Anderson brothers sat together with my Sunday School teacher Shirley (or is it Shelly?) and Jennifer, the other girl in my class. We grabbed some food (it was a shared lunch sort of thing) and then ate! I managed to get into a little conversation with Jennifer yay! I've got to try make some friends at this church after several years! She's really the only one at church who's nearly the same age as me anyway! Oh apart from Angie...when she turns up! She hasn't come since Sunday School finished for the year, and the teacher and Jennifer keep asking me about her! I just told them I didn't have enough credit to reply to her.

I was going to buy this laptop on discount during the Boxing Day sales that stops tonight, but no one had any money, and I couldn't take any of my money out of the account because I don't have a card for it and the bank's closed today! So I tried shifting my money into Aonghas's account over the internet so he could withdrawal it. Unfortunately I only read afterwards that it would take one working day for it to be transferred, and it would cost me $3! Moral of the story - find these things out first! I could put a deposit on it and pay the rest later, but now I'm more inclined to just wait a little while. It's an AMD Turion X2. What I read was that it's better than Intel Core Duo, plus its 64-bit whereas Intel Core Duo is 32-bit, but Core 2 Duo, which catches Intel up to and overtakes AMD is out and isn't too expensive I don't think, so maybe I might just wait for Core 2 Duo-powered laptops to drop in price. I probably won't bother waiting for Quad-Core as that might be a while! But woah man those things must be really impressive! Anyway I probably don't know what I'm talking about!

Tonight I'll probably be off to Aotea Centre for that First Light event to welcome in 2 double O 7. Hopefully something good happens!

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