Friday 8 December 2006

Visit to Gwens

On Monday we had book return day at school. I wanted to get to school early so I could see my friends, but of course Aonghas just had to wait till that morning to look for his school books that he was going to return! So we ended up coming to school late once again, possibly the last time I will ever go to school again! We missed the assembly at the beginning of school, so we just went off to form class.

After all the administration stuff was complete, we then went out to find our teachers to return our books. It didn't make me too long to return my books for history, chemistry and physics, but for statistics and maths there was one huge long line. After a while I got to the end of the line, returned my books and then went back to form class.

All of us 7th formers then had our final little assembly in the old library where we got our tickets to the dinner on the boat, and reminded that we had to board at about 6.30pm as it leaves at 7pm. OK so I'm definitely going to be there early!

After that I was about to join Joon, Gwen, Zahir and Alex, before another Alex (Daley) and David caught me and reminded me that I had a little date with the fire hose!

We couldn't use the fire hose by Room 51 because of exams in there, so we went to the fire hose outside Rooms 38 and 39. This was like the original fire hose the great Howard Gardner (former kaleidoscope student famous for his fire hose antics) first used to spray everywhere with. I was a little scared, keeping a look out for teachers and students passing by, as Alex was holding the camera ready to catch everything. After five tries and no water coming out, I finally got the hose working, squirting the roof of the shelter for about a couple of seconds before turning it off, putting the hose back and running off! OK that was done! (even though Alex wanted me to do it for about 5 seconds!)

I then rejoined Gwen, Joon, Zahir, and the other Alex, and we all walked out the school to explore Te Atatu Peninsula. On our way to nowhere we decided to go to Gwen's house, so we passed by Chloe's house along the way and grabbed her. We then kept walking around Te Atatu Peninsula talking about stuff and eating things until we finally got to Gwen's house.

We first played Singstar, which I lost to Chloe...but I beat Zahir! :D After a few rounds of that we then went up to Gwen's bedroom and checked that out. Man she's got her own toilet and shower! That is so cool! I'm so excited I got a picture of myself in there!!!! :D After a while we then went downstairs to watch The Incredibles. That was a cool movie!

By the time it was finished it was about 3pm and I needed to get home. I actually didn't tell my mum that I was going to Gwen's house so she was a little annoyed that I didn't let her know! I was originally going to walk home with Joon and Zahir, even when it started to rain and Joon was feeling a little bit sick. Joon and Zahir then decided to catch the bus an hour later so I just started walking home myself. Fortunately my mum came to pick me up on the way and we ended up taking Joon and Zahir home.

I managed to change the topic with my mum so that she wasn't too angry at me. Our other cellphone got barred as the credit expired. We hadn't used it in a whole year! So there goes $30!!! If any of you have 021 251 9573 in ur address book, you can now delete it!

Oh yeah the bet I made with Gwen, that if I could get Joon to sing by the end of term 4, was extended to book return day, with the bet doubled. I was that confident that Joon was going to pull through for his buddy o'pal, especially with a LARGE SUM OF MONEY. But noooooooo he didn't even play Singstar! I ended up losing the bet. While we were walking back to the main road after being at Gwen's house I tried taking a photo but realised there was no memory card. At first I thought it had fell out somewhere and that I was going to get the bashing when I got back home, but then I heard Joon ahead of me mention something to Gwen about payback, so I just played along as if I was still worried ;) When I was about to walk home by myself he gave me the card back so that was all good.

Later that night my brothers and I went to a rehearsal for the Auckland Symphony Orchestra to practise some Christmas music for the carols concert. Most of the music we played was the same as last year's so it wasn't too bad

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