Friday 15 December 2006

Final Final Day Ever at School!

Yesterday was to be my last ever day at school uniform anyway! I was invited to attend the Junior Prize-Giving, but wasn't required to do anything so I was allowed relax. The female head students couldn't make it, nor could Patrick, so Hyun took the Head Girl's seat on stage beside me!

Before the prize-giving started though, the 2007 head students, Hyun and I had to direct parents to seats in the hall. I had the unenviable task of telling parents to move from the seats beside the aisle as they were reserved for prize winners. It was really uncomfortable having to tell parents they couldn't sit where they were! There was this Indian couple who really wanted to sit beside the aisle to take photos and really didn't want to move!

Eventually when the prize-giving got started us head students future and present walked down the aisle following the teachers onto the stage. From there we watched the whole ceremony. The Gospel Choir performed a couple of pieces. It really brought back memories of me performing in the choir several years ago, only they sounded heaps better! It was really great to see all the hardworking juniors being rewarded though. Seeing Shameela and Te Kura, both Junior Council members, receive the special Services to Community awards was really cool.

After the assembly I went to see my dean to check up on that photo frame I broke! When I saw her she had removed the frame completely and told me she would buy a new one. She sounded really impressed with the picture, I'm just glad she wasn't offended by anything I said at the dinner on Monday night! I also caught up with Sarena, Amy and David along the way, and was meant to write a message in Sarena's book but didn't get to finish!

I went to give presents to a few teachers. Mr Watson spoke the least to me. He just said thanks and that was about it! But I guess that's kinda Mr Watson. Our parent teacher interviews were always less than three minutes long! Mrs Britten was really nice though. She said something along the lines of I (and later on afterwards Chen) made nerds cool lol nah she said something like one thing she was impressed about was how there was something about me that made people respect me for being intelligent which was a little different!

Hyun and I stayed for a little while after to have lunch with the staff. I had to pass on the bad news to Ryan that we would once again have to put off the date when we'd be able to give him the Rutherford Idol DVD due to a lack of disk space on our compuer! We're frantically burning heaps of data onto dvd's to clear up some space! We had to leave afterwards when the staff were to have their own little farewell function. While we were around the corner, we could hear the staff laughing hysterically. I wonder how many of them were already drunk!

The more I go back to school the harder it gets to leave the school! It was really sad watching the prize-giving from the stage, thinking this would be the last time I'd ever be in this hall, and that I wouldn't be around with all these people next year. But as Hyun keeps telling me, this is just the end of one chapter of my life, and another one is about to begin...

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