Monday 25 December 2006

Christmas Day!

Christmas Day was really good! Last night I felt really bad that I hadn't wished everyone a Merry Christmas like I usually do, including the people I haven't spoken to all year, so I started emailing as many people as I could until it was 1am and I decided to go off to bed and try email more people in the morning. I was thinking of waking up early in the morning and going driving around! Unfortunately, I typically slept in till 9am! My dad was originally going to take me driving, but he was on the phone for a while so we changed the plans, and decided to have a family outing to the city to drop our dad off at work!

We all went in my car so that we could listen to the stereo, and once we dropped our dad off, we didn't really know where to go, so Aonghas just decided to drive around the city until we thought we might check out what's around the bay (Mission Bay way!).

We drove around, past a few beaches with a few people there, until we got to Mission Bay where there were HEAPS of people! We stopped and got out to walk along the beach, and then have a little snack. It was really cool to see families having fun together at the beach, with all people of different nationalities playing with each other, beside each other and getting along with each other in the same area - Asians, South Americans, Middle Eastern people, Pacific was really great! It was starting to get late so we decided to head back home.

When we got home we decided we'd clean and vaccuum the cars! I can't believe how dirty some of the cars were! While we were cleaning we met Zippo, her boyfriend and Szelin. That interesting experience...

The family spent the night enjoying our mum's Christmas cooking (which was nice!) and watching Phantom of the Opera which was a really cool and sad movie! I ended up singing along with the songs! (just an octave lower)

What did I get for Christmas? Third party car insurance...yeah like I really need it! Nah I didn't get anything but that didn't really matter as what really made my Christmas were the kind replies I got from people I emailed, especially the people I hadn't heard from in ages and had remembered me! You guys are all the best and I can never thank you all enough for being really great people and I'm so glad and honoured to know you all! I don't forget people that easily (apart from...some...people...nah jk) so I'll never forget you guys! I just hope you all don't forget me!

One of the highlights? Alice!! OK so I've never met Alice before and I don't really even know her! However several years ago when she used to be Diane's (my friend) friend, she added me. Then they weren't friends anymore (for whatever reason), but because she was still on my contact list I kept sending her Merry Christmas emails every year (a little random from a stranger I know!) despite not chatting to her all year! This year I was a bit late, and instead of me sending her an email first, she was first to send me one, which was amazing! Oh yeah and that she had read this blog! Yay!! So yeah that was a bit of a surprise and made my Christmas!

To add to it I even chatted to my friend Phoebe who I haven't chatted to in ages! Although she said it was only two weeks, but yeah that's a long time!

So yeah it was a great Christmas without the need or want of material posessions! Just the spread of Christmas cheer and joy and love all around the place! Ain't it sad it only happens once a year? Another 365 days till the next Christmas!

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