Sunday 31 December 2006

Year In Review

Once again here is my annual Year in Review, the first sentence of the first post of each month this year and highlights from that month:


Yay another year begins! Another year older! All the best to everyone for the year 20 06 let's hope it'll be a great year!

- Tadpole runs away
- Watch the only movie I will have watched in 2006 - King Kong
- House gets painted
- Attend a music teaching training course and meet Elisabeth Yi!
- Sign up for some marketing survey
- Chinese New Year Festival on my birthday
- Meet Hussein!


Even though the year has only just begun, it feels like we're already well into the year! It's already February, which isn't a great month to start the year off starts again...Chen's birthday... (nah I'm teasing Chen! Your birthday really is worth celebrating! Just wait and see!)...and worst of all that horrid Valentine's Day!

- Go back to school
- One of my best friends finds a boyfriend! Yay!!
- Lonely Valentine's Day but raise heaps of money from selling roses at school!
- Go on prefect's camp
- After a little hanky panky at night signals the start of a relationship for two of them!


This week has been pretty good so far. I've had to speak at two assemblies in one week which I don't think I've done in a while! I probably made a fool of myself both times as well! Hopefully I get better as the year progresses!

- Hounded by little year 9's for my socks
- Waste Corran School in debating!
- Patrick and I meet the Minister of Youth Affairs at AUT while updating everyone on our Prefects group's progress
- Snapped at by some girl at a Careers Seminar for trying to find out some info about her for my friend
- Shen talks to hot Asian girl at Careers Seminar
- Bombard Auckland Grammar with personal attacks in debating after a frustrating debate!
- Sarena gets late detention!


In light of my recent bad results, I've decided to drop out of school

- Told by some careers programme that my best career option is as a Call Centre operator
- Sell off Mr Jefferies, year 9 dean for $84 at Slave Sale!
- Make a bet with Zippo to french-kiss some girl by end of year for $10
- Burn toast yet again
- Heather and I stumble randomly into some ANZAC service
- I try sucking up to some TVNZ manager who comes to our AUT training in the holidays


Hi my name is Calum and I'm a thanks to Easter!

- I sit in on a slinging match between school IT guy and Carey
- Meet a gorilla in the city raising money to get his daughter back
- Waste Avondale in debating!!
- Enter Russel McVeagh Debating Competition and beat Takapuna Grammar for calling us Rutherford Grammar!
- Catch up with Stephen when Spacifix comes to school!


Today was an interesting day. I had asked Mrs Taylor (my dean) if she could help get a list of all the student names and their enrolment numbers for me so I could use it for our student website.

- Accused of something going on between Mrs Taylor (year 13 dean) and me
- Accordion championship flop!
- Mr Breckall, chemistry teacher has a little accident involving splashing cyclohexane into his eyes
- Meet Melissa and Aneesya, two of Kat's friends at Bruce Maclaren Intermediate while promoting our school! (oh yeah and my cousin but...yeah)
- String quartet teacher throws a hissy after twins and Aonghas arrive late at String Quartet Contest
- Big Sing!
- Visit a Chinese temple
- Get to check out hills and trenches as part of a history trip!
- Farewell Mr Edmeades!
- Ball!! Partner: no one!


School holidays has gotten off to an unproductive and boring start. It's so hard to get into studying when you're stuck in a cold, messy, foodless house!

- Successfully lit a fireplace!
- Accused of being a stalker
- Fooled by Joon into thinking he has a girlfriend
- 5c coin finding spree
- First time in the city alone for work experience at law firm together with some Asian girl from Westlake
- Sarena dies (our second to last surviving goldfish), leaving Rydia the sole survivor
- Meet the new principal Mr Moore!
- Get braces the same day as school open day


We had this speaker as part of Amped4Life come to speak to us today during last period of school on making right choices in life. The speaker was some ex-druggie who had tried all sorts of drugs but had been clean for the past 12 years and turned his life around, with five kids.

- Mistake a hickey for evidence of domestic violence
- Have revenge on Joon, making him believe rumour is spread, leaving him...paranoid
- Get new recorder student whose dad joins lesson and learns more than the student
- Lose a bet to Alex on who could get the most pens at Coke Careers Expo (oh and a fight broke out there too!)
- Caught and warned by IRD
- Careers Seminar Awards - Two Amy Chau's?
- All those days of help from Phoebe finally put to the test with Chinese Speech Comp
- Teeth pulled out
- Salsa Dancing!
- Come to school in Scottish kilt, told to shave legs
- Go out for yumcha with Jacqueline and Hannah and check out Auckland Uni Open Day
- Defeated after a heated debate against the lowly Senior debating team on cabbages and roses


I think I finally settled on my future! OK it's a little messy, and may be a little stupid and unrealistic. My dean suggested it to me so right now since I have no other idea I'll just go with it!

- We beat Henderson High in water polo!
- Studio Show, meet the guys of Fyrewood
- Several encounters with cousins at Henderson High when we turn up to collect cheque from Children's Variety
- Angie comes to my church!
- Eden Park for scholarship awards
- Sworn at by lunchbox girl after school
- Receive ball photo I paid for...a photo of another couple???
- Whack car mirror into mailbox
- Pulled over by police for dangerous driving


The church service this morning was interesting, despite the not-so-interesting sermon. It was about love, go figure!

- Mysterious stranger txts me telling me she loves me, but then tells me she hates me and ditches me
- Inundated with manly hugs!
- Rutherford Day and opening of Info Commons!
- Sarena's party!
- Play with little kids at primary school travel launch
- Last day ever ever of free weekend texting!
- Halloween mask doesn't work


Today we got told we get to go home from school a period early on Friday if we attended Rutherford Day! Well I had to speak at the assembly so yay I get that period off!

- Helping Phoebe out with maths
- After-effects of no free txtn being to be felt
- Fireworks! Walk all the way from Phoebe's work to get there. Joon and *coughcough* are nowhere to be seen, apparently in a bush
- Chen appointed Head Boy, and Yvia Head Girl
- Goodbye Telecom, hello IHUG/Vodafone!!
- Photo-taking goes into overdrive!
- Sunday School class go out for Wendy's at church
- Last day ever of school, prize-giving and doing prize-giving speech
- Finally apply for uni!


Yesterday I sacrificed my attendance at the music school (where I teach) prize-giving to watch my students perform just to be at school to sit my Scholarship Statistics exam. You don't know how much I wanted to be there to watch my students perform!

- Screw up exams
- Book return, then Singstar at Gwen's!
- Get-together at Gwen's house!
- Dad off to Melbourne
- Rejected by Sky City Cinemas for a job
- Year 13 Farewell Dinner - dancing, food, fun!
- Weird being back at school for Junior Prize-Giving
- Washing Machine dies, new washing machine and fridge arrives
- I buy a car
- Meet Chen and Diane and go for yumcha!!!
- Job hunt continues
- Uncle attacked by other uncle's dog
- Christmas at Mission Bay, frantically dropping things off for people
- Car fills with smoke

And that's 2006! Roll on 2007!

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