Monday 18 December 2006

Replacing the Old

Yesterday morning's church service seemed to go on for aaaages and went on an extra half an hour longer than usual. We didn't have Sunday School and instead there was this combined thing where each Sunday School class had to sing in front of everyone, and us Anderson brothers would be performing a trio on our accordions. I had no idea about the classes singing songs till Angie texted me during the week asking me about it! She never showed up to church though. I'm guessing that's because I told her our class didn't have to sing!

We warmed up in one of the adjacent rooms till it was our time to perform. We performed Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Allegro. We were playing it half the speed you hear orchestras play it on CD's though! At first I was a little nervous and made little slips, but I heard somewhere that this was just a rehearsal for next week's REAL Christmas service, so I started to loosen up! We managed to stay in time despite playing a few wrong notes here and there, and we finished in time as well. Afterwards though, I discovered that that was it, the real performance! Oh well at least we don't have to practise that song anymore!

Jennifer, this other girl in my Sunday School class gave me a Christmas card and one to pass on to Angie if I saw her. I was really tempted to have a read of hers! But...I didn't ;) It's been really weird as whenever Angie wasn't at Sunday School class everyone would turn to me and ask where Angie was that day! Because I didn't see Angie and before I was tempted to read her card, I found her mum and passed it on to her.

After lunch Aonghas had to go to some meeting about some kids' summer programme that he would need to help out with. Hamish and I weren't asked so we were just mucking about in the carpark, till Aonghas came running out telling us that Jennifer suggested we help out! How nice! We joined the meeting, in which the head lady delegated jobs to people. It looks like the programme's theme will be Narnia, where they will learn related bible readings, learn about the characters, play games, watch the movie, etc. Aonghas got delegated the job of 'Toilet Supervisor', when just before morning tea he has to keep an eye on the little boys in the toilet to make sure they don't do anything funny! Aonghas told me he saw that when the head lady was looking for someone to help with collecting donations, she was looking at me, and then suddenly turned right around and asked some other guy to help out! I don't think they trust me!!

I got this text from a friend the night before telling me she saw the photos of my reunion with an old friend, and recognised one of the guys in the background to be this guy who I used to go to intermediate school with! I never noticed he was sitting right behind us at yum cha the day before! I told Aonghas about it and he told me that the guy was probably one of the people sitting at the table beside us laughing at me when I attempted to pick up the chicken's foot with my chopsticks and drop it, splashing stuff everywhere.

This afternoon we visited this person my mum found in the classifieds of a Chinese newspaper to check out her washing machine and fridge. Our washing machine is dead and our fridge door doesn't close properly. After a bit of inspection we decided to buy both of them, so hopefully they'll be delivered tomorrow morning!

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