Tuesday 12 December 2006

Hi My Name is Calum Anderson and...

I have a problem. I went to a friend's house today for a little get-together, which was pretty cool, but I don't know I just didn't really feel like talking for some reason which kinda wrecked it for me...

I was the last person to get there got there last as I had to do a little phone calling for my mum (our washing machine is broken...amongst other things...), and then phone answering. When I got there the others were just sitting around on the computer while the rest were up in the bedroom. We just mucked around for a bit in there till the pizza was delivered, so we all went down to the nearby beach with pizza, drinks and other stuff. We sat at this table by a little pond and ate our food. Phoebe was then eager to play some game with these little shot glasses with Coke and Sprite, where you say something you've never done before, and if anyone else has done it before you have to drink. Unfortunately for me everything everyone else had never done, I had never done either! So I was getting really thirsty and once the game died down I just drank the hell outta my cup.
We got back to the house and while everyone played cards I went upstairs with Alex and Natasha to play some games on the computer. After everyone else finished their games downstairs they all came upstairs to join us, before we went downstairs to play a bit on the playstation and then go outside to throw waterbombs at each other. I didn't get that wet as I wasn't really a target. Once all the waterbombs were gone we crossed the road to play a bit of soccer, which I was kinda looking forward to, as I hadn't played soccer in AAAGES and because we had a group of people we could finally play a game of it! It was first boys vs girls, but the boys were too dominant so the teams were mixed. Because the girls wouldn't really get into the game though I was relegated to goalkeeper. Most of the time the ball was at the other side of the park (which probably goes to show how good my team was!) so I spent most of the time standing still, or lying down. The game finally collapsed when a couple of the girls on my team deserted us and everyone else decided it was time to pack it in.

We went back inside, and while everyone else played some card games, I just sat on the couch playing this wrestling game. The counter at the bottom right corner ticked to 57 minutes. I called my mum to pick me up at 5.30pm, which was a lot earlier than everyone else. They're probably still there as I type this.

So yeah it was good getting out and actually being invited to something, but I just don't know why some days I don't really feel like talking! Last night at the dinner I couldn't stop talking and today I just didn't feel like saying or doing anything! Either there's something wrong with me, I'm not used to going out (less likely) or I'm just a very boring person!

Oh and apparently some girl thinks I'm a 'hot nerd'??? LOL! I could believe the 'nerd' part but not the 'hot' part after my past traumatic experiences with females!

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