Thursday 13 January 2011

Thursday's Here!

I'm running out of creative titles for blog posts so that's the best I could do! 

I'm not presenting anything till tomorrow so I didn't think I'd have much to do today, but because Jane was sick, I had to welcome the kids in the morning and do the opening prayer. 

Once that was done, it was onto the games! The older kids did Tug o' War, boys vs girls once again. I brought some gardening gloves to give to the boys, hoping it'd give them an edge but it didn't seem to do much, with some kids telling me it made the rope more slippery!

The boys won the first round, which gave us hope that maybe they would win this year (unlike last year when the girls won!). The girls won the next round though and were on a roll, going on to win the final round and overall!

It was then the helpers vs the kids! We won quite easily, obviously! Meanwhile, the younger kids were playing with the parachute.

Rebecca's mum led the singing with the kids getting into it, 

before Andrew and Jireh led the first game of Connect the Dots. I can't quite remember who won now, but I'm pretty sure it was the guys! That would've gone some way to making up for that loss to the girls in Tug o' War!

For today's edition of 'Time Point News', Amelia would be interviewing the Roman soldier Joylynn who climbed out of the time machine we made on Monday afternoon! Her costume was quite creative, and Amelia looked like she was a Rutherford College least the top half of her anyway!

Amelia stayed up there to play a game with Aonghas, testing the kids' knowledge of everything that had been going on over the past week. Disappointingly the game ended in a draw between the boys and girls. I'm a little suspicious about that result!

Jireh then came back up to play the game Mr Squirt with the kids. He did it slightly different to me, in that he gave the kid a water gun to point at him while he held a smaller one!

After the serial story, Joylynn and Eva got kids to come up and try unlock a box that was full of chocolate and lollies. The kids had to pick a random key from inside a bag and try fit it into the lock. After a while none of the kids could manage to open the box! A little later when there was free time though we returned to the game so that someone could claim all those lollies and chocolate!

Tim told the kids a Bible story and then anyone who had questions or wanted to know more about God were asked to stay behind while the rest went for morning tea. I was a little relieved that I didn't have to counsel any kids again today.

Yesterday for craft, the children had to make a key ring. Today, they would be making a key ring holder! The key ring holder would be in the shape of a person, but was really up to the child to decorate how they saw fit.  

There were many interesting designs. Someone made a Vege Tales character, while someone made a munted face and someone else made a monobrow.

Finally, to finish the day the kids participated in a lolly scramble! Some kids came away with a handful of lollies! I think one of the kids gave me one lolly, but some saw me as a rubbish man and gave me their rubbish!

We all had lunch, while some of the kids went outside to have a water fight.

After lunch, we prepared for the fashion parade we'd be having first thing in the morning tomorrow, and also had to make the bookmarks we'd be giving each child as a prize at the end of the day tomorrow.

Because I was in charge of prizes, I still had to go buy some, so on our way home, my brothers, Jireh and I went to the Christian store to buy some prizes. After we dropped Aonghas off at work, my mum and I did some more shopping at West City. We almost spent all night shopping for prizes! I hope they like them!

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