Tuesday 25 January 2011

Re-prioritising My Goals

I think I've finally decided what my study goals will be alongside doing my pharmacy internship and becoming a registered pharmacist!

For a while I've been set on trying to either do some online distance learning course or taking evening classes to get a Graduate Diploma/Certificate in something like Arts (Chinese), or maybe something relating to the health field. However, it would require me to take university papers which cost almost $1000 each, and I would have to study part time which means I wouldn't complete it within a year. Because I plan on doing post-grad studies next year anyway, I don't want to waste my money on a half-completed qualification! It also costs so much that if I end up not being able to study properly for these papers because of work or the assignments/tests I have to focus on for pharmacy and end up giving up on those papers, I'll have wasted a whole lot of money!

Therefore, I've decided instead to aim for two exams that are a lot cheaper to sit and I can study for on my own...more or less:

- HSK Test: This is a test on a non-native Chinese speaker's ability to read, write, listen and speak Mandarin Chinese. I've been meaning to learn Chinese for a while, so this will give me motivation to keep on going and recover all of the Chinese I've lost over the past four years since high school. I should really get my Chinese blog going again!
- Trinity Grade 6-7 Music Theory Exam: I bought several music theory books late last year, so I might as well make use of them and fulfill my dream of passing grade 8 music theory!

At least by working towards these two tests/exams, I will also be trying to fulfill my New Years' Resolutions:
12. Sit a music theory/Chinese exam
20. This should've come earlier but study Chinese and return to at least NCEA Level 3 Chinese level..and be more Chinese (throw that in as well) 
Once I finish my internship, I may even consider going to China for a few weeks or maybe a semester to study...if it's feasible. If not, I'll just do post-graduate study while working part-time! I think I'm starting to get somewhere with my life planning! Any further advice or suggestions welcome!

14. Decide what I want to do with my life after I (hopefully) complete my pharmacy internship

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