Friday 14 January 2011


It was the last day of the children's summer programme today which was a little sad after doing it all week! I suppose it had to end sometime! 

We started the morning off a little differently to the past four days. Instead of games and singing, we had a bit of a fashion show as today was DRESS-UP DAY! Because the theme of this summer programme has been 'Time Traveler', the children were asked to dress up as someone from a time period in the past or future. It's quite unspecific so everyone just came dressed up in anything. 

We had a princess (Amelia), fairy (Jireh and Derek), Japanese girl (Jane and Aonghas...he was Japanese guy though!), slave girl (Jenny...or was she supposed to be Egyptian girl?), mouse (Angie), cowgirl (Lisa), Matrix guy (Hamish), soccer player (Andrew), Santa Claus (Ben), boxing guy (Karvin), painter (Joylynn) and I was Lin Da Lung from Hi My Sweetheart, a Taiwanese drama Rebecca, Grace and I have been watching for the past few weeks! Naturally as a geek I got beaten up a bit!

Once everyone went paraded and showed off their costumes, we moved on to the first game, Noughts and Crosses which was led by Peter and Hamish. I didn't really see it as I was in the back room preparing for the interview which I was going to do straight after with Cleo.

Today's final edition of 'Time Point News' saw Cleo interviewing interviewing me as Thomas, one of Jesus's disciples. I just wore a bath robe and a piece of material. I hadn't rehearsed or memorised most of my lines, so I had to wing it with Cleo. Luckily Cleo went along with it. I did remember to tell the jokes that were in the script, but hardly anyone laughed until I signaled everyone to! 

After our interview, Rebecca and Derek led a game with the kids before Terence and Ben played Feet and Stare with the kids. Andrew and Ruth played a game on time periods with the kids before the final Bible story and group time. This time all groups got points (I think they were just being nice!).

The kids had morning tea before we had the final craft time in which they made clocks. Something we hadn't been doing for the past four days was telling the kids the relevance of the craft work, so before all the kids got stuck into it, Jireh and I told all the kids about how we have 24 hours in a day and that how we spend those 24 hours is up to us.

After craft, we had prize-giving. Expectedly, our team Frankie didn't win. In fact, we came last! The prizes were handed out to the kids while the rest of the kids got bookmarks, a toy and a lolly (all the prizes that we had bought the day before!). It did get a bit messy with kids appearing out of nowhere, and trying to get kids to stand together with their groups for group photos!
We eventually got everyone to pose for one huge group photo before we let them go home.

The programme finally came to an end! We had our last lunch, before celebrating Derek's mum's birthday by singing Happy Birthday to her (no surprises as to who was asked to lead it!). 

As everyone started leaving, we had to clean up the church. Some of the parents carried on talking and so a water fight broke out amongst us young people. 

After a while we sorted ourselves out into two groups - past and present Rutherford vs Rangitoto Capture the Flag in the car park! Rangitoto-ians won by one!

We finally left church partially soaked. My mum wanted to do some shopping at Westgate, so Hamish and I were stuck in a hot car and ended up falling asleep! We did a whole lot more of that when we got home too. We were wasted!

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