Sunday 30 January 2011

Happy Anniversary Auckland!

Tomorrow is Auckland Anniversary, and so the Auckland Council put on a HUGE fireworks display over the harbour tonight to celebrate!

As usual, we left quite late so that there wasn't any parking around, and the fireworks started while we were still driving around the waterfront! That's when we just decided we'd just drive as close to the wharf as possible, park wherever we were and get out to watch the fireworks. It turns out that many others had the exact same idea! There were all these cars just parked in the middle of the wharf with their occupants getting out to watch the fireworks! Fortunately there was no police around!

From what we could see, the fireworks were quite big and lasted for a few minutes.

Once they were over though, there was a massive car-jam but somehow all the cars managed to leave in a somewhat organised manner!

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