Sunday 16 January 2011

Gay or Nay?

A visiting pastor and lecturer at the Bible College gave a talk at our church for Sunday School today on homosexuality and Christianity's stance on it.

I have to admit I'm a little conflicted in my stance on this. The overall feeling I got from the talk is that homosexuality is a sin, but no bigger sin than any other sin, and that homosexual and heterosexual rape is bad (obviously). There is no such thing as a gay gene, or in other words you're not born gay or you don't inherit it from your parents.

I do have to say that I do find homosexuality a little out-of-the-ordinary, seeing two same-sex people together, make out, etc. but I don't have anything against them and they deserve a chance to be happy. I don't think forcing them to be heterosexual or single for the rest of the lives is fair on them. 

As for whether homosexual couples should be parents or would make good parents, I can't really say! 

I guess I'm slightly more liberal than most Christians are perceived, or maybe I just don't know God's word as well as others do? 

Let's just say I like to keep an open mind!

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