Wednesday 19 January 2011

Exploring Henderson

Today our family went over to the minister's family's house for lunch and so our parents along with Tommy and Harris's mum and Nadine could do some baking.

After lunch, Joylynn suggested going for a walk to pass the time away, so we all crossed the road and took a little walk down to the nearby park that was next to the West Wave Aquatic Centre (used to be the Henderson Swimming Pools where the 1990 Commonwealth Games were held). 

We used to have accordion lessons when the Music Education Centre was located in the building next to the swimming pools, but it moved when the pools got renovated. We hadn't been down there since, and it was amazing seeing how much the swimming pools had changed! The adjacent buildings were relatively the same as before, but we went on a bit of a trip down memory lane, remembering what they used to be used for!

We then strolled across a bridge to Falls Park to have a little play around the water. I had to make sure the kids didn't get too close to the water and that they didn't fall in, or else I'd be in BIG trouble!

Some slightly dodgey guy came to sit on the bank and smoke, and that's when we decided it was time to move on! We crossed the bridge and wandered through Tui Glen Reserve which used to be a motor camp. I haven't been through there in quite a while either! Now it's pretty much just a park. 

We wandered down onto a tier where people can launch their canoes and kayaks off. The tide was definitely out as the river was no higher than knee deep!

We just sat around talking for a bit before we decided to head back across the bridge.

We ended up following a path that took us under a road bridge. We had to get across the river, but we were a bit too lazy to walk back up to the bridge and cross there, so a few of us decided to just cross the river since it wasn't too deep! 

The water was running quite fast though, so we had to make sure none of us slipped in! We sent Harris and Tommy back up to cross the bridge with Hamish though, as it was too dangerous for the younger kids.

We headed back to Jireh and Joylynn's house, where they had just finished baking a cake and were onto the decorating part.

We had a bit of food to eat. Jireh made some nacho's while Joylynn made us some yummy ice-cream cones!

We were then told the cake was to celebrate Harris and my birthdays coming up! They all sang Happy Birthday to us before the cake was cut and shared. 

It was really nice, thanks guys!

It soon got late, despite the sun still being out! That was my first birthday celebration!

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