Tuesday 11 January 2011

It's On!

It was the second day of the children's summer programme at church today, and all gloves were off!

After the morning games, Carmen and Grace ran the first activity with the children called 'Where in time is Carmen San Diego', where boys were competing against girls to make it to the end of the board game. Grace and Carmen were initially worried that the game would be really boring and dull for the children, but with the help of some of us helpers seated amongst the children, we hyped them up and they got really into it! Unfortunately the girls won though :(

Today's 'Time Point News' skit was performed by Aonghas and Jireh, with Aonghas interviewing Jireh who was 'Seth'. The kids quite liked it, with Jireh acting as the son of Adam in this strange world of the future.

After the skit, Carmen and Grace ran another game where kids had to pick a bag and get whatever was in it, be it points or lollies,

before it was my turn to go up to run a game called Mr Squirt where I got a kid to come up and asked them any question, to which they could answer in any way except with 'yes' or 'no'. At first all the kids seemed to forget and I got to squirt them all! Hahahaha After a while the kids must have picked up on how to master the game, and I ended up getting squirted by the kids after they managed to get through the 30 seconds!

I played another version of the game with a few of the younger kids where they could only respond with the word

'Grandma's Cucumbers'

without smiling or laughing. One girl forgot and when I asked her what her name is she responded with her real name! I let her have that one though since she was really young!

Because we didn't stick to the schedule and were behind by 40 minutes by one point in time yesterday, today Lisa's mum had created a sign saying

'ONE Minute Left' that she would dance around and wave in the background to remind us! She did a pretty good job as we seemed to stick a lot more strictly to the time schedule!

After the serial story told by Tim and Tanya, Peter and Hamish ran a jousting competition where two kids would stand on mini-skateboards and hit and push each other with foam noodles. The first person to fall/step off the skateboard was the loser. The first round was lacklustre with the girls going soft on each other. The next round was between two boys which was quite violent with the boys going hard out on each other, smacking each other everywhere! The final round was boys vs girls, and sadly...girls won again!

We had a bit of group time with our activity groups to try answer some questions. Our group was quite small and some of the younger kids were too scared to go up to answer the questions. I was impressed with the answers that some of the kids gave though.

After the Bible story, it was morning tea before we did crafts. Today's craft involved food! We got the kids to decorate a rice cracker with some chocolate sticks, green icing and M&M's to create a stick tree. I bet those tasted really sweet!

To finish off the day the children were involved in a treasure hunt where they had to search the gym for tickets. Certain colours matched up with prizes. While there were a lot of lolly prizes, some of the tickets rewarded children with soft toys!

Once all the kids left, it was time for lunch. We had something slightly different...gourmet sausages! I don't think a lot of people really liked them, but I didn't think it tasted that bad! It reminded me of something really familiar!

Once again Tommy and Harris's mum baked another cake for Jane's birthday today. I'm sure we sang Happy Birthday several times today, as it was one of the boys Joshua's birthday today as well! This time Tommy and Harris's mum baked a cake with a rabbit on it! I was asked to lead the singing after lunch once again!

After lunch we had a spontaneous foam noodle fight, when Rebecca smacked me on the head and knocked my glasses off! One of my lenses popped out, but just as well Rebecca knew how to put it back in or else there would be BIG trouble!!

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