Wednesday 30 August 2006

Constant Debate

This week has been a little less exciting so far. We had Crazy Costume Day on Monday. That was entertaining. There were some students who dressed up as bees, the opposite sex, and witches, while the English teachers all dressed up as FBI agents and the science teachers were dressed as CSI scientists. I didn't dress up as anything, even though I had been thinking of dressing up as a baby with nappies and everything during the weekend, and Phoebe suggested I dress up as a girl. After having everyone asking me why I was wearing a skirt on Friday though I was a little afraid of being considered a queer for 'cross-dressing' for two straight days.
In the past two days we've had free lunchtime debates for entertainment. Yesterday was the senior team up against our advanced team of Patrick, Heather and me. The moot was:
"that a cabbage is better than a rose"
The senior team were on the affirmative while were were negating. We were originally going to plan it on Friday, but we couldn't find each other, so in the end we only met up yesterday morning to start planning. We did our research, then decided we needed props! So we all went down to Woolworths to buy a cabbage and a rose. We spent the rest of first period planning our debate (I didn't wag it was my free!)
Finally at lunch the debate got under way. Patrick was our first speaker, and chucked the cabbage on the ground and stomped on it. Matthew, Chen and Luke were on the other team. I spoke second, on how a rose symbolises love and beauty and that we give roses to people to show our love to them, and not a cabbage because a cabbage is big, round, ugly, wrinkly, green, etcetc. Heather spoke last for our team.
Unfortunately...our team lost by 12 points. Luke got speaker of the day with 93 while I got second at 88. Ms Conde (English teacher/adjudicator) said she was 'shocked' at my speech, I'm not too sure why since my points were valid and legitimate! I did mention that giving your partner a rose could help you score, and now according to Aonghas this guy in his maths class told him that he and his friends thinks I'm a dodgey guy now, who probably has some sex problem/addiction! (I'm hoping they're just joking!)
Today the teachers debated the moot
"that male teachers are better"
with the womens team affirming and the men negating. It was cool to see nearly half the hall filled! It was pretty entertaining once again, and for the record the women won.

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