Saturday 5 August 2006

Sweet Revenge

If you remember, Joon tricked me into believing he had a girlfriend a couple weeks ago, and then last weekend he tricked me again into believing he liked someone. I wasn't going to let him get away with this! So I thought... REVENGE!
I asked people around school to go up to Joon and pretend as if they knew who he liked, with the aim of eventually making him paranoid or something close to that. At first it didn't look as if it was going to work as I don't think anyone remembered, until this morning when Joon told me that he noticed a change in the atmosphere :D He told me that Jacqueline and Shen knew, and after physics he said Patrick and Sarena knew (I don't know what he thought they knew exactly). Anyway I was starting to get the desired effect! Joon accused me of spreading rumours and I denied having spread anything or telling anyone anything!
Eventually I decided to come clean, IF he agreed to let me take a photo of him with a sad face (just as evidence this happened ;) ). He agreed and I told him it was all an act and that I didn't tell anyone anything. Just what was it did he think I had told him??????
Anyway just to clear things up:
JOON DOESN'T LIKE ANYONE RIGHT NOW (so if you like him then you may have a chance!) 
I know it was a little mean, but hey all in good fun and I'd say we're about even now right Joon? ;)
Apart from that, during Chinese class we had to take Chinese teachers around our school on a tour. They were especially interested in our cooking room and took heaps of photos of the cooking class.
At interval I managed to take a few photos of people having a bit of a feed in the transition room just to remember that we used to eat in the transition room 30 years down the track, but for some funny reason Joon objected to me taking photos and chased me out hte room and down the school driveway! I was going to hide in the toilet but he gave up.
During my free period I had to help Noah (sports co-ord) and Mr Breckall (chemistry teacher) set up the projector and sound and everything for the presentation they were doing at Junior assembly on surfing, which was amusing as they mucked around with really tall ladders, freaking out over whether it was going to collapse or not.
Anyway tonight we had a surprise party for our aunty who turned 50 today. She managed to figure it out before she even stepped inside! The food was great but it was a shame because one of the things from my braces that's supposed to be glued to my tooth came off while I was in bed this morning so it has started hurting a bit, and I'm afraid of wrecking my braces even more!

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