Tuesday 1 August 2006

Sex Drugs and Rock n' Roll

We had this speaker as part of Amped4Life come to speak to us today during last period of school on making right choices in life. The speaker was some ex-druggie who had tried all sorts of drugs but had been clean for the past 12 years and turned his life around, with five kids. The really sad thing though is that he has Hepatitis and so he is dying. It's a real shame because he is a really great speaker and he is doing a service to the community. Just when he has everything right he'll have it all taken away from him...

Anyway he talked to us about thinking before we do DRUGS or ALCOHOL (hear that guys?) or HAVE SEX. After the talk I had this conversation with this guy which wasn't some of my finest work:

"Hey Calum, you keeping it in your pants?"
"Yip! You been keeping yours in your pants?"
"I will now!" [he points to this large mark on his neck]
"Oh did you get that from not keeping it in your pants?"
"How'd you get that?"
"Not keeping it in my pants"
"Ooooooh.....(at this moment I was thinking it was some permanent disease or skin thing he got) You dumped your girlfriend for that?"
"Oh wait that's a bruise aye? So....what gave you that mark?"
"A vacuum cleaner"
"Your girlfriend whacked you with a vacuum cleaner?"
"Oh did you...not keep it in your pants...with the vacuum cleaner?"
"No I was joking about the vacuum cleaner!"
"Oh so your girlfriend gave that to you?"
"You still with her?"

It's a shame to see some of your friends do a complete about turn and end up on the booze and the wackabacka but...what can you do? I suppose just hope that they one day click and realise it ain't good for them.

I've been trying to write a 500 word blurb on why I want to be a lawyer for this scholarship application form but it's turning out to be tricker than I first thought it would be!

"I want to make heaps and heaps of money"

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