Monday 14 August 2006


Today I had to run around trying to see if I could get anyone to read the blurb I wrote on why I want to be a lawyer for this law scholarship. The maximum word limit is 500 words, and I had trouble reaching half that total, but then last night I was having trouble trying to keep within the limit! I found a few teachers who were happy to have a read through and get it back to me by tomorrow.

Cello lessons and string quartet weren't too bad. The cello teacher wants me to try sit grade 4 cello exams. Hyun tried lying his way out of string quartet again. Joon told the teacher that Hyun had been sick for the whole week. Guess who knocked and came in a few minutes later! Hyun then saved himself telling the teacher he just remembered he had an internal assessment this afternoon and so that's why he was at school. I dunno...twins these days...double trouble...There was a fire alarm (most probably a false one) that cut short our rehearsal so I guess they were saved!

Assembly saw the first time Aonghas spoke at assembly. He didn't do too badly! Afterwards, everyone told me he sounded just like me! Hyun also spoke at assembly on International Languages Week. I'm not too sure why he didn't say what he had originally planned to say nah anyway it was announced that Monday would be Japanese Day, Tuesday - Spanish, Wednesday - German, Thursday - Chinese, and Friday - Korean/Kiwi (I think that's right...) When I saw the timetable earlier in the day though I saw Friday as Maori/kiwi! I had all these people ask me after assembly where the day for Pacific Islanders/Maoris was, and whether the week was only to celebrate Asian languages. I tried reassuring them that they were just as important! It looks like Aonghas and I might end up staying after school next week for the salsa class, Japanese cooking class and movie afternoon since its so cheap!

Szepo came to visit after school today. Well...mainly to drop off this book she had borrowed from us. She ended up staying for a few hours to catch up with us. She told us about what she's been up to and how's things been getting along. Good I think! She tried making me feel shamed just because I didn't have a partner for the ball and so didn't fulfil one of my New Year's resolutions, and because Aonghas managed to ask a girl to this church ball we performed our accordions at. Well that was because that ball was filled with year 11+12s!! Nah good on him. And just because she has a boyfriend and has been in a relationship for a couple of months now and I been single for what the last ...two years or something.. Well I'll show day...!!

Today's the day I'm going to start a new routine:
-Cut back on MSN
-Cut back on TV
-Study study study
-Go to sleep earlier
-Wake up earlier
-Get to school earlier

I'm going to make sure I stick to this one this time!


  1. Mel: as i remember saying before lol.. twins cause twice as much trouble ^^ better keep an eye out for them lol.. never know what schemes they may be plotting together.

  2. That new routine...ain't gonna work man :)

    been there done that.

    Oh yeah, and you're a sad sad meanie.
