Sunday 13 August 2006

Moving Upwards and Onwards

This morning I woke up and found one of the brackets of my braces had come off a tooth, the same one that came off last week! That means I've got to go back to Middlemore to get it stuck back on AGAIN. I'm sure I haven't been eating hard stuff (or maybe I have but I doubt that's what is causing it!), I think it's just that the surface of the tooth isn't flat so maybe the bracket just isn't sticking properly.

This morning I had recorder classes to teach. Thank goodness this other teacher came to help out in the class where I had a complete beginner and another student who was a little further down the line. She offered to help try catch the girl up, while I continued with the other guy student. One of my advanced students (year 7 or somewhere around there?), this girl who is pretty negative and gets bored easily, told me

"The recorder's dumb anyone can play it it's not an instrument a proper instrument is like a piano or a violin"

I started to feel a little down, knowing I was teaching a dumb instrument that wasn't even a 'proper' instrument! (nah I wasn't too down) But then she went on...

"Like the flute...the flute's dumb. My school orchestra's dumb"

That made me feel better, especially since the other girl in the class, her friend, plays the flute!

Yesterday was interesting. these people from University of Auckland came over to our school to talk to students about how to plan their courses for next year. I went during my free period, and along with Melissa and Lindsey we got told all about law. While sitting there looking through the booklets waiting before that though, I started thinking, is law really me? To be honest I would much rather prefer some sort of career involving a bit of creativity, and film/media still gets me quite interested, as well as computer science after reading about it in the Science degrees booklet! The only thing is determining whether it is just a hobby or possible career option though. I really have no idea! I'll just stick to law for now and see where I get...or if I change my mind in a month's time.

I had finally finished writing my Chinese speeches - two speeches - one on being a Eurasian and one on how to find an Asian girlfriend, so that I could let the Chinese teacher choose which was best. She preferred the speech about being a Eurasian because I had personal experience (probably thinking I've never had an Asian girlfriend!). Other people thought the one about getting an Asian girlfriend was more interesting though, so I'm a bit stuck here too. I sat with Phoebe and her friends again by the International Village at lunch while she helped improve my Chinese speech again (which I'm grateful for!), when there were a few people shouting interesting things out at us, which I haven't come across in a while. I decided to stay put for form period, when all these Thai teachers came by, and one of the female Thai teachers with a guy holding a video camera came over to Phoebe, Lisa, Julie and me and started asking us questions while the guy was filming. She then thanked us in what seemed like an abrupt ending and went off.

After school I went to Rangeview to visit Miss Rai, dearly beloved music teacher. They've shifted the music room from beside the hall to the old art room, and the art room has moved to the opposite classroom. She told us that their orchestra is still going strong, and that they'll be entering two groups + a few soloists in the upcoming Lewis Eady Junior Music Contest coming up in two weeks time. I might try go to watch them if I can make it! It's good that there is at least one teacher I still know at Rangeview, as most of the teachers that were there when I was at Rangeview have since left. While I was walking through the school, all these past memories came flooding back. I could picture things such as
- Alistar and me posing for the headboy+headgirl photo in the school magazine outside the art room,
- all the kids hanging out by the steps of Room 8 (Mr Goodison's class back then) including Allen Giang and Grainam (don't know why those guys in particular!) waiting for the teacher to unlock their room,
- Nga Toi where in year 7 our class for Maori learnt how to do these Maori moves with sticks (which were actually just newspapers rolled up) and because there was a shortage of 'sticks', Sarena (or Linh back then!) gave me hers awwwwwww,
- ooh and the water fight in year 7 outside our classroom Rm 16, with Robyn the main culprit. Us guys distanced ourselves from the girls group as soon as the teachers came by, and I think the girls got in trouble!
-The field where us guys often played cops and robbers or something like that (one group chase the other), soccer and piggyback fights, and when Hyun got into a fight with Tynan (not too sure if that's how you spell it) YES the Hyun!! It wasn't really much of a fight just a little kick and punch here and there and then I think it ended in a draw
I could probably keep going on, but this post is already long enough! Maybe I might recall a few more later on..

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