Wednesday 2 August 2006


I got a lesson in applying for financial assistance scholarships today: EXAGGERATE EVERYTHING. I would share my sad soppy story but...I might do that later...
I made it to physics class on time today big YAY especially since it was first period as well. We got to play with some very expensive chemistry equipment today in chemistry, even though we only spent the whole period learning how to set it up. Favourite line from Mr Breckall (chemistry teacher):
"This looks like something from a P lab aye?"
The principal came to our Junior Council meeting today. Unfortunately the more talkative members didn't show up, but we still got a bit out of him. Looks like our school won't be getting a sports academy YET due to the lack of sports teams in the top grade, but who knows what might happen in ten years time...
The Chinese speech competition is coming up soon and I told the Chinese teacher I'd write my speech by Tuesday. Tuesday came and went, and then Wednesday has come and gone, and I still haven't written it! I can't think of anything to write! I've got unfinished business with this Korean girl from Lynfield College who has beaten me for the past two years, and would like to finish high school on a high by winning again! But...I shouldn't say that because whenever you say you want something to happen...the opposite happens. Just as an experiment I want a lunchtime free of any meetings tomorrow (Thursday). So far I think its free, but surely either something will pop up or I'll regain my lost memory and remember that I'm supposed to be doing something somewhere. Anyway let's see!
Now here's an interesting thing I found on the Rate My Teachers website (off the top of my head, can't remember word to word):
Teacher's name: Callum Gay
Comment: Tries to crack jokes saying Callum IS gay, very weird teacher"

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