Monday 7 August 2006


My new student finally showed up to recorder lessons yesterday. The class she was to join already had another student who was slightly ahead of her, and so it was a bit difficult juggling these two students who were at different levels. The girl's father sat with her during class and he was the sort of blokey bloke sort of guy. He kept telling his daughter


I asked the girl to try blow into the recorder to make a sound, so she went
I asked her to blow a little softer...
A little more?
A little less?

Her dad got a bit frustrated with her, grabbed the recorder off her and started trying himself. It looks like I'll be teaching both of them!

Today I went to an Auckland Symphony Orchestra concert. They were playing Mediterranean music, which included Turkish March, Zorba the Greek, Espani Cani and the Can Can. This 17-year-old girl Amalia Hall, an ex-Rangitoto College student performed a solo with the orchestra, playing La Campanella by Paganini. She's the same girl I went up against for a music scholarship back at intermediate school. She got the larger scholarship while I got the smaller one (yeah didn't play too great!) Funnily enough La Campanella is the tune I'm just about to learn for the NZ accordion champs next year!

I've had so much to do this weekend: a history essay, a paragraph on why I want to be a lawyer for this scholarship, a Chinese speech, study for a statistics test, and I had hoped to do it all on Saturday but I ended up wasting the day doing nothing so I've been rushing it all tonight. I was thinking about sitting history scholarship, which would require me to get an excellence in this essay. However I don't think that's likely I think I might give scholarship history a pass...The teacher said you'd need to quit your job and take on a whole lot of extra reading for it as well, which I don't think I have enough time for.

One of my friends has found herself in a bit of a tricky situation regarding relationships, you know the whole is he or isn't he cheating on me thing and what to do about it, and it has actually made me realise how lucky I am to be single! WHATEVER!!! you may say, but you've got to look on the bright side!

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