Thursday 3 August 2006

Walking Around

Today was an interesting day. We got to do reflux with actual chemicals today, watching condensation happen!! I was working with Daak and we didn't hear Mr Breckall (chemistry teacher) give us instructions and so we set up the equipment slightly wrong and Mr Breckall came over to us and then asked:
"Are any of you going to become a doctor?"

We both said no, and he replied
"Just as well...don't think I'd trust you guys with a knife! But then again I have a friend who's a *** surgeon (can't remember which type he said) who I went to high school with and he's one of the clumsiest people I know so its all good!"

I spent my free period catching up with Julie which was cool. I had just been looking through my Rangeview school magazines from back in 2000 and 2001 and man was everyone so small like little kids! If only I had taken a lot more photos back then! For those of you wondering why I've been taking so many photos this year, that's my reason. I should probably bring the video camera in once in a while so I can film some interesting stuff, like Jacqueline trying to talk with her lost voice, or Shiu Tai viciously stapling a ball of play dough!

I also came across Phoebe and her friend (I forgot her name...) at lunch who were putting up International Languages Week posters around the place, and so I just helped out with them. We still didn't get it finished by form period though so we went through form period and then...6th period (feeling a little guilty here but I suppose it isn't too bad!) I skipped physics while Phoebe was allowed to skip Chinese class and we wandered around school putting up posters. She was a lot braver than me, managing to ask Mr Watson (tough maths teacher) if she could put up a poster in his classroom, and even climbed on top of a rubbish bin to put a poster on the wall while a teacher walked past! Fortunately he was just a PE teacher and they usually don't care about anything.

We finished by the end of school and walked to where her dad was parked outside the gate (scary!) and as I was walking along the road there an ambulance with flashing lights zoomed by! A few minutes later I saw another ambulance go by, with the driver looking very confused as he did a U-turn. Once my mum picked me up and we were going along the main road, I saw one of those little ambulance cars with flashing lights and sirens go in the direction towards our school! Hopefully something serious didn't go down there!

Leavers hoodies are being sold and apparently you can put a nickname of your choice on the back of it. While everyone else has nicknames, I've been struggling to think of anything that I've been called! I suppose there's been Cal and Calumino even though people don't call me that that often, but someone suggested C-MAN to me which sounds kinda cool (if you ignore the other word it sounds like!)

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