Friday 11 August 2006

Expo Excitement!

Today I only had two periods of class so I didn't have to bring a schoolbag! :D OK that wasn't the highlight of the day. The hightlight of theday was the Coke Careers Expo at the ASB Showgrounds. We went there for periods 2,3, and 4, which meant no stats and chem!! Period 5 was my free so that was even better! Everyone was really looking forward to it because they wanted free stuff! Well there was a lot of it, and a lot of display stands everywhere. Before I went in, Alex and I made a bet on who could collect the most pens, with $1 at stake!

I walked around and talked to all these people about all sorts of stuff. The most interesting must have been the film and animation schools + Natcoll (computer design etc) The whole 3D animation and video post-production thing sounds really interesting! I wish I was as artistic as some OTHER people I know! I think Aonghas would be interested in something to do with that, so I collected a bit of information for him.
There were a lot of competitions. I think I entered at least three draws for an Ipod, so fingers crossed I'm successful in at least one of those (unlikely!) There was this obstacle course competition thing the Institute of Sport was running, and when I walked past the guys were heckling me, calling the Rutherford College headboy to try beat the time! All I had to do was do 10 pushups, run along this ladder thing along the ground and then putt a golfball into the hole about two metres away. So I took on the challenge. It was really weird doing the push-ups, because while I was doing it, all these people started gathering around watching me, which felt really embarrassing! What was worse was when I got to the golf part. I hardly play golf, and I probably took at least 10 putts before I finally got it in the hole! The guys told me in the end that I didn't get the best time. Fair enough!

One of the exciting things to happen was this fight that nearly broke out! I was hovering around the Otago University stand, before I finally decided to grab one of their bags they had lying on a chair and sneak off with it. Without looking I walked into this big crowd. At first I thought some sort of show or competition was going on, like break-dancing or something, but instead there were these guys stepping each other and taking on each other. So the first thing I could think of...get the camera out hold it high up and TAKE PHOTOS!!! :D (they're in the photo album on my MSN space) OK not the smartest thing to do, but after a few photos I felt a little scared they might turn on me if they saw me taking photos of them so I started walking the opposite direction, and once I was away from that area I just watched from a distance as this policeman took one of the guys outside. They couldn't have picked the best possible place to start a fight - down the same aisle as the Police Recruitment stand!

In the end I lost the bet to Alex 5 pens to his 12. I did manage to get a free ruler, keyring torch, two necklace things and heaps of rubbish for the fireplace!

Tonight was really busy on MSN. My computer restarted for some reason and when I got back online after a few minutes a few people had gone, so I'm sorry to those people I wasn't ignoring you or blocking you!

Oh and by the way, check out The Western Leader, Thursday 10 August edition pg 17. Look who is in the picture ..its Kat!!!

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