Sunday 27 August 2006

Big Boy!

Yesterday was the first time I had gone into the city all by myself! It was the University of Auckland Open Day. I got Aonghas to cover my classes for me (I will pay him!) while I caught a public bus into the city all by myself!! :D I couldn't catch the free one because it'd mean I'd have to go all the way to one of the schools it actually stopped at, and I couldn't wake up early enough to be able to make it there on time. So instead, I just caught a public bus.

I got into the city at 9.30am just as the Open Day started. I was supposed to meet up with Jacqueline and Hannah (really old friend from primary school! She also went to Rutherford two years ago before leaving), but they weren't coming till about 10, so I had half an hour to kill. It was really scary walking all by myself! Well not that scary but...lonely...Anyway I tried to look as though I was loved and preoccupied by texting people and walking around reading the info booklets. I got to the health sciences stand, and one of the guys from the Physiology section asked me if I'd like to be hooked up to this machine to see my heart flow or beat or something like that I can't quite remember. I ended up lying on this bed with these wires connected to my arms and legs. Fortunately after analysing the graph the man said I was normal!

When it was finally 10, I was told to meet Jacqueline and Hannah at Britomart, so I had to walk all the way back down Queen St. At the same time though Kat, Melissa and Aneesya were at the other end of Queen St! As I was walking down the road towards Queen St, I spotted the girls waiting at the intersection! I caught up and walked to Wendys with them where they were going to eat. After talking to them for a while I realised Jacqueline and Hannah were still waiting for me, so I power-walked my way back down Queen St to meet them. We then went down to yum-cha at the waterfront, which was really nice!

After that we went back to the university, where we had a look around. We came across Esther and Archi together, Neha and Josefia together, Estee and Pita together, and Nick, David, Shrikkanth, Shen and the St Peters guy (still need to work out his name!) around campus. Oh yeah! And Andromeda (I've probably spelt her name wrong), who used to go to Rangeview! I was amazed at how many people from school we came across!

At 1pm us three attended the 'How to Read Korean in 10 Minutes' class. That was fun! We each got a prize. While Jacqueline and this guy got a Winnie the Pooh pencil case and Hannah got a Barbie pencil case, I got a Hello Kitty one. Cool!

My parents came to pick me up at about 2pm so that we could all go to the Lewis Eady Junior Music Contest at Dilworth Junior School to support Rangeview's two orchestras there. We're still close to Ms Rai, their music teacher, so we try to go watch their school orchestra perform as much as we can. The orchestras performed William Tell Overture and a song from Swan Lake (can't remember which one). They played very well but unfortunately didn't get a placing.

1 comment:

  1. Mel: hey it was good to see you again...hehe too bad you missed out on taking our picture. ^^ neway all that walking sorta gave me the most exercise i've done all year almost. lol
