Monday 21 August 2006

Dental Journey Continues

This morning during third period I had to go to the dentist (Dr Wong!) for not just a check-up, but to have a couple teeth pulled out. I was a bit apprehensive, but I suppose I was more concerned about how long it would take, hoping either it would take long enough or that I wouldn't feel too well so that I'd get to miss out on chemistry period in 5th period (OK wishful thinking there) because I had an organics test then!
Anyway my mum and I arrived there on time but Dr was still working on someone else, so we had to wait a while. Finally it was my turn, so I went into the room and sat in the chair. It reclined and I lay back as Dr Wong went over to get a needle and inject me on either side of my mouth. I was gripping the chair, but fortunately the needle wasn't in for too long! After he had done that, I thought he had pulled my teeth out already and that it was all done, but no that was just the anaesthetic! My hearing started to feel weird and my sight was starting to go white, and so I was about to faint, so the dentist reclined the chair for me to rest for a little while. They told me it was common, and that a few people had collapsed in the doorway after getting out of the chair!
After cleaning my teeth, the dentist gave me two stress balls to hold on to, telling me I was going to need them! When I saw him holding the pliers, that's when I realised he was going to pull my teeth out! The first one he pulled out wasn't too bad, but the other one was a little sorer. He told me afterwards that maybe he didn't use enough anaesthetic on that side of the mouth! He put two pieces of cotton wool where the teeth used to be and sent me on my way.
When I got back to school students were asking me if I had just gotten braces! I looked in the mirror and I looked like a retard with my lip slightly up on one side. I couldn't feel anything at the top of my mouth for the next couple of hours. Fortunately the cello/string quartet teacher went really easy on me and was nice to me!
So once again just as I was starting to get used to having braces, I have to go easy again and try get used to eating with missing teeth!

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