Saturday 2 September 2006

Good Fortune

I think I finally settled on my future! OK it's a little messy, and may be a little stupid and unrealistic. My dean suggested it to me so right now since I have no other idea I'll just go with it! If I get the law scholarship, I'll just go straight on to law, and choose something for my conjoing (not too sure about that yet). If I don't get it, then I'll do health science for the first year and try get into medicine school. If I don't (chances are I won't), I'll try apply for law the following year, drop health science and pick up something else as my conjoint. I don't know if this is the wisest decision or even possible, but I'll just go with it and see what happens!

I found out this week that I came first equal in the Chinese speech competition with the white boy from Lynfield College (I think?) while Aonghas got merit in his class. The prize-giving is in October sometime. Hopefully I won't have to memorise my speech all over again!

Today there was this rock concert at lunch. I scheduled a Junior Council meeting for lunchtime too. I had reminded this member just two periods before lunch to come, but she never turned up! We got a good turnout anyway. Apparently this Monday the school board of trustees are meeting to discuss the school uniform and Chen the student rep wanted feedback from the Junior Council. Hopefully the board make a good decision!

I spent the last of the money in my wallet today, buying a packet of M&M's for $2 from these girls who said it was going towards Wider Living Week. I think I must be a compulsive spender, spending money on all sorts of fundraisers! I was going to save the money in my wallet for whatever Christmas presents I could get my friends but now I'm going to have to gather more loose change around the house to save up again!

NB If any of you have spare change, donate some money to Andrew Poh to help him buy a Mini!
Also if you guys have any time to kill on Sunday night, come to West Wave Aquatic Centre and support Rutherford as they take on Henderson High in the water polo finals! What makes this game important is that my cousins go to Henderson High and I would really like to have something to skite about to them! Go Rutherford!!!!

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