Friday 22 September 2006

Results Day

We had a nasty shock early Thursday morning when we found our last remaining big fish Rydia floating vertically. Usually this is a sign that the fish is dead, but fortunately a few minutes later it resumed normal activity, swimming into the wall. We're pretty sure it is still alive and not just the pump moving it. We saw it breathing!
Anyway, most exam results came out yesterday at school. Overall outcome=BADBADBAD. No actually it was more or less just average. A few excellences, but mainly merits and achieved's. I felt I did the best in history (compared to how I did in other subjects) while I did really badly in statistics, making heaps of stupid mistakes like misreading the calculator, forgetting that square root, not rounding properly...and you wonder why my mum emphasises the importance of READING THE QUESTION PROPERLY AND CHECKING YOUR ANSWER to me all the time before exams! Physics...well I can say I have slightly improved since last year! It was disappointing overall. I know I could've done a whole lot better and it was my aim at the beginning of the year to make sure I did a whole lot better, but I didn't, and there really isn't anything I can do about this set of exams anymore apart from to learn from them and make sure I am fully prepared for the real exams.
What does make things worse especially when you don't do so well are the 'what did you get? He's going to get first in class..She's going to get first in class...he did better than you!!' moments. Yes I was aware I didn't do as well as others and won't get anything thanks for pointing that out to me and the rest of the class :D I managed to establish a completely no-awards/prize-giving talkzone momentarily with a few people.
I stayed behind after school to help Mrs Devitt (English teacher) set up the hall for some Wome's meeting in the evening, and ended up missing my ride. Aonghas had to stay behind till 5pm doing some English revision in the library with some other year 11's, so I went in there and read a bit of Where's Wally and Ling Ling's New Year (picture book that goes something along the lines of...LingLing's grandfather's bike broke a tyre so they had to push the bike. Then some crazy lady rode straight into them, causing all her oranges to fall out the basket. LingLing helped pick them up, then notice they had stopped right outside a bike repair shop! Lucky!! They got their tyre fixed and ma....CLOSE THE BOOK)
While sitting on the side of the road with Aonghas waiting for my mum to pick me up, this blonde girl who I've come across before (she once saw me eating out of my lunchbox and asked why I still had one) was walking along the footpath with two older girls. I was looking away when I heard the little girl shout out
"F**************K YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F*****************K YOU!!!!!!!"
I turned around to see who she was shouting at, and she shouted at me
The two embarrassed older girls pushed her to keep moving along, and as they walked away, I could hear the little blonde girl telling them about how I still have a lunchbox. I wonder if she even knows what the F* word means!

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