Sunday 24 September 2006

Yay! Holidays!

Finally reached 500 posts! (OK well this is actually the 501st)

Holidays have started off slowly. Yesterday morning I had one student turn up when usually everyone in that class shows up, and two other students didn't come. I'm guessing it's either because it was raining heavily then or because school was finished.

After accordion lessons my mum drove us all home from North Shore but before she did she took us on a grand tour of nearly every vegetable and fruit shop in Henderson which took nearly an hour! With no water and drink for the past three hours and the temperature being really high, us brothers locked in the car were starting to be dehydrated! When we finally got home, we got a drink of water and that fixed everything. Wow what an anticlimax to that story!

Today it was also really really hot and sunny, I suppose it had something to do with the ozone layer. Apparently you'd burn a lot faster today than usual, so I stayed out of the sun. What a good excuse my mum used for us to tidy up the house! Well we managed to get half the lounge tidy! It's just the area where you usually sit down which is still messy, so we have to sit/lie on the ground when watching TV.

Aonghas was playing basketball outside with our 8-year-old neighbour Crystal (or is she 9 now? Oh well...) when I came outside to join them. I turned away for a second to text someone when suddenly this basketball went flying straight at my face knocking my glasses off! Fortunately the lens but those little things that places your glasses on your nose were bent and so were the arms of the glasses, so now my glasses keep slipping off my face!

1 comment:

  1. Mel says: oh really?!! oooo, dat didn't happen 2 b did it?!! cuz yea.. lol.. well im guessing ur gonna go get dem fixed?? well dats worse dan burning da popcorn lol..
