Monday 18 September 2006

Nearly There!

I had my history exam this morning. I was really worried going into this, as I hadn't managed to memorise much in the weekend. Nothing stuck in my head, so I ended up trying to memorise the main points of previous essays I had written throughout the year and bank on being lucky! Fortunately there was a history question on Vogel's Scheme and early contact, so I was lucky!
Once again towards the end of the exam I was busting to go to the toilet, and I made sure I didn't drink too much in the morning before school as well! This is the third morning exam in three morning exams that I've been busting to go to the toilet! I must have a bladder problem...nah hopefully not!
History was my last proper exam, with only my Chinese conversation assessment to go tomorrow. I'm not too well prepared for that either, so hopefully it all goes well! That's pretty much been the sum-up of these end-of-year exams - NOT PREPARED
Church has been interesting lately, or should I say Sunday School. Angie, a girl from my school has been in my Sunday school class for the last two weeks. It's been good having someone you know in Sunday school class. When she first came and one of the Sunday school teachers asked if we were friends from school and I was about to just say yeah, she replied
"Uhhh....we know each other from school.."
So when moments later the other Sunday school teacher came by and asked us the same question, I had to rethink my answer and say something similar! It's been good though because she asks all the questions I have during class but don't ask for fear of sounding stupid (since I've been at this church for three years now!). But yeah I've been getting to know her better and it's made it a bit easier getting to know the other two in the class a bit easier now that there are two NON-CHINESE speakers, so that I'm not left out!
We got a laser printer today, and while Aonghas was at the school BOT meeting, my mum got me to set the printer up. As usual she assumed I was going to stuff things up and asked me if I wanted to wait for Aonghas to come home, but I persisted and got it sorted out. Funnily enough, when Aonghas got home and used the printer he caused a paper jam :D
Oh and congratulations to Stephen woohoo yeah go Stephen!

1 comment:

  1. awwww~~!!! u got a laser printer?!

    n wats up wif stephen?
