Tuesday 5 September 2006

Coming Our Way

Exams are fast approaching. My last week and a half rush of cram-studying is taking place, something I was hoping to avoid! I've got exams on four of the five exam days, with two exams in one day. Luckily I get a day off on the last day of the exam period though!
I went to the water polo game at West Wave last night. It was Rutherford vs Henderson in the finals. It was such an exciting game! At first I had no idea what was going on as it was the first ever game of water polo I had ever watched. I soon realised it was kinda like soccer in water, and worked out which team I was supposed to be cheering for. The scoring was really close. It was first 1-0 to Rutherford, then 1-1, then 2-1 to us, then 2-2, then 3-2 to us, then by the end of the game locked at 3-3. The game went into extra time and it was so tense! Fortunately we scored and won 4-3!
Anyway the Oh boys were back at school today after their cruisy holiday in Korea. I nodded off a bit in a few of my classes probably because I didn't get much sleep the night before, having to write a history essay in a rush. I spent the rest of the afternoon after school in the library studying. Highlight of the day: the talking lifts! Doesn't it just feel so welcoming when the lift tells you the doors are opening!

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