Friday 15 September 2006


Because of exams I haven't posed in aaaages so here's a quick update of how my week went:
I got to go to Henderson High with Heather and Mrs Butler Shaw (science teacher) to attend this Royal Children's Variety Club Bash, where they were celebrating the opening of the special education unit that had recently been renovated by Cocksy the builder and others. When he got up to speak, he pretty much criticised the Henderson community for coming and supporting them once the building was finished, but not supporting them while they were renovating the building! Simon Dallow awarded us our huge cheque. We got $2000 originally for blazers (after helping the charity out with the book fair) but they couldn't donate the money for that so they gave it to some at risk youth programme for our students.
I met up with my cousins at Henderson. Greg as head boy had to welcome all the vehicles (and there were heaps! Firetrucks, ordinary cars with sirens, etcetc). I met him later in the day. Then I came across Janice! As we were walking back to the car, I came across Graeme! The teacher was like
"Let's get out of here before we meet another of Calum's cousins!"
Later that night I had to perform with the string quartet at my last ever Studio Show!!!! So sad!!!! I stayed after school while waiting for Aonghas who was helping out his Young Enterprise group. I just walked around with Joon talking about life. We ended up walking all the way to Subway! I went into Woolworths to find a toilet and saw Estee working at the checkout! Cool! Our performance went OK. I accidentally jumped a line and had to try cover it up. After the studio show I was running down the school driveway in the dark, didn't see the chain and ran right into it. Fortunately no one saw me do that!
They had some 'Make some right decisions and blablabla' presentation at assembly and 6th period. Phew no Chinese. They had some entertaining videos, but there was some band and a rapper who performed. I didn't see how that was related to their message. The rapper was just like
"Yeah yeah...don't drink and drive...make the right decisions...and my single comes out in ..."
I went into the city in the morning for an interview. I'm not too sure how it went but I'll just have to find out in October!
Thursday and Friday:
Exams!!! HORRIBLE!!!! Worst EVER!!
Chemistry - I didn't look at the time properly, and rushed everything, finishing it within an hour thinking 2.5hrs had passed (yes time flies by when you need to go to the toilet!) As soon as I realised we didn't have to stop, I went to the toilet and then went over my paper trying to undo my scribbles.
Statistics - Stuffed up! There was this big long question in the equations paper with several sections. I took one look at it and thought um.... I don't know if I'm just getting lazy or what these days..The statistics exam was definitely manageable and would've been a lot more enjoyable had I been a lot more prepared!
Physics - This is going to be my biggest embarrassment. You would assume that since I did yr 13 physics last year I would ace this, but no not me. I'm likely to screw this up and barely scrape through if I'm lucky.
I'm starting to think now that I made probably one of the worst decisions in my life by taking science subjects. After thinking about things, I've come to realise that I've made a lot of stupid decisions - I got all excellences in history and accounting in NCEA level 1, but I dropped those two subjects. I got first in biology last year, and then I dropped that subject. Without any direction I'm probably going to end up nowhere in life!

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