Wednesday 30 January 2008

Wherever You Expect to Find It

We went into the city today to get a few things sorted. I first went over to the Grafton Campus to borrow a few library books. Boy did it feel good to use the access card again!

Us three brothers then went to visit one of the church 'elders', who runs a student hostel near AUT, to pick up a reference he had written for Hamish who was to have an interview with a job search agency later in the day. While Hamish went in, Aonghas and I stayed in the car keeping an eye out for parking wardens. Just then from around the corner, a parking warden was approaching! We quickly got the car started and took the car around the corner and luckily found a free 15 minute car park! It was taking a while for Hamish to return so Aonghas and I went inside and met up with the church 'elder'.

Once it was all sorted, we went to the university's city campus so that Aonghas could get his computer science course details sorted. While he was doing that, Hamish and I had a look for a few books in the library before walking around the quad. Guess who I came across? Alice! Whenever I go to uni I always seem to come across her! It was good seeing her again anyway.

Our one hour parking was nearly up and we got there with a minute to spare. We decided to go to McDonald's by the waterfront for lunch where there was free parking. We all bought a combo each and ate it before heading back to Henderson. Hamish had his interview at 3pm so we dropped him off there before Aonghas and I went over to West City to wander around while waiting. We were sitting there thinking of where to go next when who else but Angie and Natasha came wandering by! They told us they had just seen that movie Sweeney Todd.

Once we ran out of stuff to do we went back to the place where Hamish was having his interview to wait for him to finish. He ended up taking another hour! It ended up going well ...apparently...and so they're going to help Hamish find a job!

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