Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year!


Another year has just started! May it be a great year for you all, and an even more prosperous and special year than 2007 ever was! I certainly will be hoping that it will be! I marked the arrival of 2008 by setting off, or rather trying to set off some fireworks outside Sarena's house, which went AWOL and fortunately didn't burn a car down! I'll type up more about my New Year's Eve in the next post, but for now just a look at how my New Year's resolutions have gone:

2007 New Years Resolutions Review:

1. To get over the girl(s) I like/have liked this year and in the past, and to start afresh in 2007! Make a new close friend with a girl or even find a girlfriend if I'm lucky! haha!

Hmmm well no girlfriend (not even close!), and I have gotten over a certain girl I've liked in the past which is good! A new close female friend...well...I guess this year I've really gotten to know Angie and Alice well..

2. Continue to keep in touch REGULARLY with my friends both at uni and also the ones fortunately still at school ;) ( At least visit those lucky souls at Rutherford once a term or something!)

I've done that!! I'm sure I've visited Rutherford as well, maybe not as often as possible but I didn't want to be seen as being too attached to that place! haha
- Term 1: went back for Scholars Assembly
- Term 2: went back for school production
- Term 3: went back for Rutherford Day and Aonghas' music assessments
- Term 4: went back for Luv Musik Concert and prize-giving, to also do some filming for the Leavers DVD

3. To pass everything at uni whether I decide to do Health Sci, Biomed or Law with nothing less than B+ (and don't lose my scholarship)

Yeah sorta...

4. Make two really good close friends!

See above! Not too sure how close I am to them yet but I've made about 5-6 really good uni friends too

5. Continue to take 5 photos a week

OK not exactly 5 photos a week but I've tried to take photos when possible and not looking like some dodgy stalker

6. Get fit by doing regular exercise


7. Find another part-time job, buy a cellphone and text people!

- Part-time job: nearly....but FAILED
- I did buy a cellphone!!
- I have been texting people occasionally but still a little lazy!

2008 New Years Resolutions:

1. To become close with another person or even closer with an existing friend (bonus points if its a female or if I find a girlfriend...need to add that in for the third year in a row haha)
2. To resume studying, practising and speaking more Chinese (either Mandarin or Cantonese)
3. To find a part-time job - anything, as long as I can get some pay! If not, find some volunteer work to get something to add to my CV
4. Join a gym and do regular exercise, or if not, do regular exercise at home, at least 20 minutes a week
5. To get nothing less than A- in ALL my papers for whichever degree I end up doing (yep I've set standards higher, thanks for the pep-talk Alice! We shall prevail!!)
6. Take more video than photos but continue to try take 5 photos a week
7. To keep in touch with all my existing friends
8. To get the right balance between studying and socialising
9. To Get more involved with at least one club (possibly moving up the ranks or networking with the right people!) and participate more in activities of clubs I join
10. To spend LESS!

Those do sound a lot like my New Years resolutions of 2007 don't they? Oh well let's make this my second attempt at them!

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