Sunday 6 January 2008

Physical Day Out

My brothers and I were invited to come along with some friends to watch National Treasure 2 and then play tennis yesterday. We were told to be ready by 9am, and I had especially set my phone to wake me up at 7.30am. I woke up at that time and had a shower, but still for some reason I was still eating a pie when they came knocking! They all waited outside while us brothers rushed around the house trying to get ready. I didn't think our mum knew we were going to the movies before tennis, so we told her we were going to West City for a wander-around before going to tennis (We went to the movies only a couple weeks ago and we didn't think our mum would like us going to the movies so soon after!).

Finally when we were done we came out and joined them and walked down to West City. We got to the movies but it was too early so we wandered over to Countdown to buy some food. There was some Maori guy busking outside Countdown, singing while playing a guitar. When leaving Countdown, I decided to donate some money to him! I admit it was only 10c, but he was cool he let me take a photo together with him and he even said bye to us as we walked out of Countdown for the second time!

When it was time to watch the movie we went up there, bought our tickets (secondary school students yay!) and went in. Guess who was the person ripping the tickets? None other than Storme, my old primary school buddy! :D

National Treasure 2 wasn't too bad, and had some of those funny moments. It was just as good as National Treasure, although the plot was not as realistic. I won't say anything about it so I won't spoil it for anyone!

Afterwards, Aonghas had to go off to work and we wandered around West City for a while. We were checking out the food at the food court, when I spotted my mum coming around the corner! I quickly warned everyone not to mention anything about the movies before coming up to see her. Turns out it didn't matter in the end as Aonghas let it slip! Our mum actually turned out to be OK with it and even bought Hamish and me some fries to eat for lunch, since I told her I was running out of money!

We all sat at the foodcourt eating lunch while Chen was helping John with some calculus. Yip, John brought his calculus study guide and a calculator with him to West City! They did a few maths problems while Hamish and I ate our chips and looked on, and the girls went off checking out some shops.

We soon got together again and left West City, walking back to our house so that Hamish could go home and I could pick up the tennis gear. We continued on our way, this time to Angie's house where some of the others were to pick up their stuff. We then kept walking and walking and walking...I was just talking to John and got to know a bit more about Caragh, this girl in Aonghas's year who came along too. I was surprised at how we're in a similar situation in many aspects of our lives!

We eventually got to Te Pai Courts where we played a bit of tennis. I was paired up with Angie to play casual doubles against John and Caragh/Deanna (who came along a little later after finishing work). I was a little rusty, or just no good at all to begin with! I kept hitting the tennis ball too hard, with the tennis ball flying over the fence and landing across the road twice! Fortunately I didn't lose the tennis balls since they were Rose's.

Soon the serious games began! Chen and I vs Angie and Rose! We got off to a good start, leading 1-0, but from then on in it all went downhill (probably my fault!). We ended up losing to the girls 1-7. To be fair, Chen and I were complete beginners!

For a period of time I was supposed to be playing against Deanna and Caragh myself, but this Samoan guy came over and asked to join and so I was playing with this random guy for a while!

Chen and I next took on Caragh and Deanna, who were probably beginners at a more extreme level than us, and we ended up beating them 7-2, but they were getting better throughout! Soon after a quick break John and Chen teamed up to face Angie and Rose while the rest of the girls took a break. I just joined them and ended up talking to Caragh and Deanna, and eventually just Deanna when Caragh left, which was cool. I've never really actually talked to her before despite seeing her around the place in the past year since she's in Aonghas's class. It was the complete opposite to certain other people/a certain other person who hardly said much to me at all today, and it cheered me up a bit!

While that was a little bit of a let down I didn't let that ruin a good day out. Right now my thighs and arms are sore from all that tennis! We played right up till 8pm at night! It's probably the most strenuous exercise I've done since bowling at Alex's birthday!

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