Sunday 27 January 2008

More of It

Aonghas finally got back from his camp today and fell asleep, while the rest of us went out to West City to sort some stuff out at the bank before doing a bit of shopping. On top of our shopping list was a new can opener. Of all things, we are most careful and picky when it comes to shopping for a can opener, and yes we go shopping for one often enough! They just keep on breaking! We've gone through at least seven can openers in recent times, so I guess you could say we haven't been too successful in finding the best can opener! However, we didn't break the most recent one, we just lost it.

As well as shopping for a can opener, we also went buying shorts so I can now proudly say I am gradually replacing my drawer full of holey shorts! We also bought a whole lot of food to restock the house with, as for the past week or so we've had hardly any food to eat. I'm sure I've been losing weight! I was just noticing tonight though (and this may sound girly!) that I look a bit out of shape, so I've really got to get started working on one of my New Years resolutions - to do more exercise!

Friday night was the first proper English youth group meeting at our church. We started off with poorly done singing (come on girls!) before moving on to a bit of discussion before the highlight of the night - playing the body part game! There were two teams of five, with each team member being a body part. The person who were the eyes was the only person who could see while everyone else was blind-folded. He/She was tasked with providing instructions to the ears who listened to them and forwarded them to the mouth who would call out loud to the legs or the arms. I happened to be the mouth of my team! We were directed to move forward a few steps each time, take a step sideways, move a step forward...Eventually the arms were told to grab museli bar and feed in mouth! With both of us blind-folded, Cleo, the girl who was the arms tried finding my mouth with the museli bar to put it in, but ended up poking all around my face! She soon found it though! Hamish's team was next, and he happened to be the eyes...uh oh!! He was a little late in giving directions at times and his team ended up walking into a wall at one stage! His team did get to the food quicker though, although I bet that's because they saw what we did and copied us!

Youth group wasn't too bad and was a lot more fun than Sunday School! Our mum didn't come to pick us up till about an hour after it finished though as she forgot to, and so Hamish and I just spent the time talking to others and eating supper while waitng.

In the past week since NCEA results came out I've had a few of my friends asking me for help dealing with nDeva, understanding how degrees work and how to sort out their timetables. I have to say that it's been really fun as it's given me something to do for once instead of just sitting there watching TV or constantly refreshing websites to see if there's any new news updates (how very sad...). Boy do those first year students get off easy when it comes to sorting out their timetables! I never knew how complicated it is when it comes to arranging a Bachelor of Science degree or conjoint degree though, but maybe it's complicated to me because I've never had to understand how it works. In Health Science they basically told us what to study!

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