Monday 28 January 2008

Night of Music and Fireworks

This weekend and Monday is the Aquatica Festival 08 on the Viaduct in Auckland and there's been fireworks on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night! We missed the fireworks on Friday and Saturday but we were definitely going to see the fireworks on Sunday night, apparently New Zealand's largest!

The day started off typically with church. The guy giving the sermon was going on about the number of violent assaults and homicides already this year in New Zealand, and then when he said he wasn't going to analyse those and started talking about something else, that's when I started to drift off!

Once the service was over my mum told me Angie came to church but I only just saw her as she went out the door with her mum and sister! Oh well, Aonghas, Hamish and I went to the combined youth Sunday School. We played this game where one person wrote down six statements about themselves which could be true or false. This time it was Tim, my former Sunday School teacher. I managed to get six out of six correct and win a tube of M&M Minis! :D We finished the story about a reformed gang member before the teachers answered some questions about God and Christianity that had been submitted by people or chosen from a list of possible questions. They picked the paper with my questions! One of them was a question I picked from the list

"Why is Church boring and a drag for some people?"

I made the other one up myself, just to see how they would answer it

"Which political party would God choose?"

They just said that he would want the government of the country to rule in a fair way...or maybe not...I can't exactly remember. All I know is they didn't tell me exactly which political party!

We did a little clothes shopping and I bought some more shorts before we went home and we all just fell asleep in the extreme heat! I checked our family email an hour later to find out our dad had emailed us an hour earlier telling us he was sick and asking us to come pick him up. He couldn't get through on the phone (probably because my mum was on it!). We tried contacting his work but he had already left to catch the bus. We were wondering what to do next when he came in the door! He must've gotten food poisoning from the takeaways yesterday so he went straight to bed.

Later in the night our mum and the three of us Anderson boys went into the city to check out the Aquatica Festival. There were street performers, including this American Indian trio performing some cool pipe music. There were also all these carnival rides around the place and heaps of people walking around. We came just in time to catch the Hello Sailor performance on the main stage. The lead vocalist acted and sounded like he was drunk! I had never heard most of the songs they had performed until they performed the last two songs, one which was the Outrageous Fortune theme song and the other was Blue Lady.

As soon as they finished performing the fireworks went off over the harbour! They were pretty big and beautiful! The final fireworks were especially big with the sky filled with light! Once it was all over, everyone started heading towards the road. I was walking along with my family and saw the back of some girl thinking she looked familiar. We stopped to watch a bit more of the American Indian group performing when none other than Sarena sprung up on me! She had come with her....friend(s) (won't say anymore!) to watch the fireworks too.

The Aquatica Festival's last day is today (Monday 28 January). The highlight is probably the Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra performing some sea-related music (a highlight for me anyway!) but because Aonghas is working, we'll probably miss it. If you can get there, you should!
As soon as they had finished

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