Tuesday 22 January 2008

A Boring Birthday

There's not very much to say about my birthday. In summary it was wet, long and boring! I spent the whole day at home either reading the news on the Internet (I was considering playing some shoot 'em up war game to boost my manliness at one time), watching TV or practising accordion. Originally a week ago a friend had asked me if I had anything planned for my birthday and that got me thinking. After that though I put it on the back burner and forgot about it till a couple days before when it was too late! I'm sorry guys I would've invited you to a birthday get-together/party if I had remembered to organise one!

My friend Diane stayed up texting me to see in my birthday which was really nice of her, seeing as she was supposed to go to bed early so she could wake up early to get to the farm. She texted me throughout the day as well which was really cool of her. I stayed up a little later watching movies on TV. Freddy vs Jason, Possessed...a little creepy!

We spent the morning discussing what to do with our dad's old car. The warrant of fitness has expired and to get it renewed he'd have to pay for some repairs. However, the car is pretty old that it would need more and more repairs and so we started questioning whether it was worth it. He rang up a company to find out how much they would pay him to take his car to use for scrap metal. They would only offer him $50 though! Fortunately he talked to someone later in the day who was offering to buy it so he could do it up himself and sell it. We're going to hold off for a week though to wait for Aonghas to come back so he can say goodbye to the car as well ;)

My mum bought me an electric toothbrush for my birthday which has been really useful seeing as I have braces. My dad gave me some money too. I thought that would be it till my neighbour Szelin came over sometime after midday with a chocolate cake she had baked for me! I was originally thinking about trying to bake a cake myself for the fun of it today but she did it all for me! She also made it through the rain just to deliver the cake to our house which I really appreciate! Thanks so much Szelin!!!

What probably made the day most special as usual though were the birthday wishes from my friends who knew/remembered my birthday. Just that they even bothered to do something as small as texting me meant something to me and I feel a little guilty for them having wasted their time! So I will take my time to thank you all! Thanks Maxine, Gavin and Gwen for the early wishes, and to Melissa, Zahir, Alex, Shen, Sarena, Amy, Mr Hirst, Facebook, Chen, Ayesha, Janice (and the Andersons), Szepo, Richard (so surprised! I never knew he knew my birthday!), Jacqueline, Kat, The Cookie Bear, Aneesya, Alice, Estee, Rhea, Lun Shen, George and Hyun who sent me a long, thoughtful email which also made my day! Thanks so much guys! To round off my birthday I just watched the movie Must Love Dogs on TV, which funnily enough was about some desperate divorced woman who had been single for a long time and couldn't find love!

Boy being 19 really blows doesn't it. It certainly doesn't sound as young as something like...15 or 16 (for obvious reasons!), but I guess we should just be thankful we're still alive and have reached this age! Might as well make the most of the time we have too!

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