Saturday 12 January 2008

Making a Connection

Yesterday morning I went with my brother Hamish and my mum to the Citizen's Advice Bureau so that Hamish could get some documents signed by the JP there. When it became clear weren't going anywhere for the next thirty minutes, I decided I'd go over to the library to find something to do when I met an old friend Andromeda! My younger brother Aonghas had only come across her last week and so this time it was my turn! We just sat around the little kids section (as she was looking after her two younger sisters) and caught up with each other. It turns out we're both in a very similar situation! She was telling me about how she had no idea where she was going in life in terms of direction and all this stuff and I just told her that I completely understood her! I think we've formed a bond there!

We ended up talking for about half an hour before I saw my mum lingering around the library somewhere, so we thought we better head towards the door. She took the massive pile of books her sisters had borrowed through those detectors when they started beeping! She took them back to get them checked when who else but Angie came in through the door! So I quickly caught up with Angie which was cool because we got talking again, back to normal! Once Andromeda was done I introduced her to Angie, as I think they used to go to the same church, but they didn't recognise each other. Hamish just had to finish right then, and so I didn't get to talk to them much longer!

The rest of the afternoon was spent at West City in search of a 21st birthday present for our cousin. Hamish and I were just staring at some watch display outside a jewellery store when Angie came by, checking out what we were staring at before going off to work.

Today Aonghas is off to some Genesis Science Forum/Camp. I remember being offered a chance to go to the camp a few years ago along with the twins and a few others but no one offered to pay for it like the school did for Aonghas and Rose! He'll be gone for two weeks so we'll be checking his NCEA results for him ;)

As for me I've got an extremely important decision to make this weekend which will probably affect the rest of my life or at least the next decade. I originally thought it would be clear, but now after talking to a friend my head is filled with doubt!

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