Monday 14 January 2008

Nadine's 21st Birthday

Happy 21st Birthday Nadine (for Sunday!)

The surprise was supposed to be two-sided. Firstly our cousin Nadine was expecting her birthday party to be on her birthday (for obvious reasons), but little did she know it had been planned for the day before. She was also going to get surprised at 6pm as she walked into her house. Too bad we missed that part!

Aonghas had to get dropped off in the city for his science camp sometime during that day, and typical him left all the packing till the last minute. He had originally planned to meet Rose, who was also going to the camp with him, at 1pm, but instead it ended up being 3pm!

When our parents got back at around 5pm they started cooking, I started wrapping, and we got to the party at about 6.30, half an hour later than we were supposed to! Of course Nadine was already at the party, so we obviously missed the surprise.

There were all these older people there, most likely Nadine's friends! I was hoping my cousins Janice, Korina and Greg would be there because we usually hang out together and laugh and joke about stuff with them, but Janice and Korina were down in Christchurch for softball and Greg was coming later after a softball game! We just spent the first hour walking around, eating snacks that had been placed around the place.

Just when Greg arrived it was time for dinner. Once again I filled myself full so I only just had enough space for dessert!

After dinner our Aunty Noeline gave a little speech about Nadine (her daughter) with Nadine giving a little thank-you speech before it was time to sing Happy Birthday and for her to make a wish and blow out the candles!

The cake was in the shape of a key with a kiddie photo of her. There was even a chocolate fountain there for people to dip their strawberries in! Dessert as usual was great, and by then I was completely full!

People began leaving later in the night while some of the guys were dancing around outside. Nadine opened all her presents, including ours (we bought her some really large canvases, some paintbrushes and a paua shell necklace - you can kinda work out the theme there!) which was badly wrapped by me!

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