Thursday 3 January 2008

A Fresh Start

Washing the house! Cool fun! It was the umpteenth time my mum had gone on about how dirty the house was and so I decided it was about time we did something about it so we could move on! We finally got started around midday and worked our way around the house, getting wet and dirty and wrinkly!

We also went to our old neighbour Mrs Simpson's house for a visit, like we usually do around this time each year. This year we visited a little later than usual though, as she had a fall and broke her jaw. She's getting better now though and is doing well for someone who's 84, but her hearing and her sight is deteriorating a little though. Sometimes my dad would have to raise his voice just to be heard!

So it's been a bit of a productive start to the year. I'm determined to make this year a lot different and better after a disastrous 2007 (for various reasons!). A chat with a friend along with my mum going on about how successful all her friends' kids are led me to change my focus. While relationships, personal stuff and all that jazz are important, I shouldn't get too bogged down by them and should be focusing on things that really matter (one of my New Years resolutions for this year!), and should rather be focusing on other things, like TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! OK that's a little over-ambitious. I might have to take baby steps first.

So soon in the year and I've already been tested by a certain friend who I don't know what to do about! A sit outside at night to contemplate things did me some good as I realised I've got to get back to basics and start to think more positively! Positivity keeps people happy! I think I've been a bit too negative than usual in the past year which has affected the way I think about things, but this year = positive!

I've started working on a plan or direction for myself, as I desperately need one to get myself back on track. I've realised how I'm capable of doing much better than I have in past years as long as I'm motivated and actually take things seriously and leave no stone unturned! So I decided I'd have a look at the WHO website and what it takes to get a job there. need international experience and the ability to speak two (but preferably three!!!!) languages. I know English so that's one down, now I've just got to pick up either Arabic, Chinese or Spanish! OK slight obstacle but not impossible to get around, just...difficult! I will keep planning! I still don't know what I'll be studying at uni this year though which makes it a little hard.

I have been thinking about taking Korean as a general education paper at uni, since I can't take Chinese and I think Japanese is full, and so I've started trying to memorise the vowels and consonants of the alphabet. Now I can type something like 바나나 (banana)!! Yeah!! So I'm still right at the very beginning, but one day I might get there! When I told one of my friends about possibly studying Korean at uni, one of my friends did tell me

"Maybe you should focus on Chinese :P"

Anyway to keep up the productive start to 2008, I'm off to clean the car and buy some food for lunch!

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