Friday 11 January 2008

On Trek

Happy Birthday Diane!!
Happy Birthday Troy (for two days ago!)

I felt awful this morning! In the morning I slept in after having a terrible night's sleep due to the heat and woke up to find a few texts from my friend Diane. She was asking where I was and if I had caught a bus. Apparently we were going to meet for lunch. The only thing is I never knew! Fortunately I texted her soon enough that she didn't end up going into the city either. What made this situation worse was that it was her birthday! The communication must've broken down somewhere along the line, but I told her I'd make it up to her and fortunately she wasn't too annoyed. She also had a few friends coming over this afternoon so that was cool. The original plan was to meet up in a couple of Saturdays just before my birthday to celebrate our birthdays together, only till I realised the Chinese New Year Festival would be on that day!

My hunt for a job has started up again after the past few days being so boring I've just been sitting slouched on a chair in front of a computer trying to think of something useful to do! So far I haven't actually applied for any on the internet just yet as most of them require previous experience or a qualification, but there's one or two I'll apply for later today.

My mum bought me an electric toothbrush, which she claims is my early birthday present. I've been begging for a little kid's toothbrush to replace my current normal-sized one as I'd be able to brush my teeth with braces a little easier, but I suppose an electric toothbrush will do! It feels really funny having this thing vibrate in your mouth but I've got to admit last night was probably the first time in a while that my mouth has felt so clean!

I had this unusual encounter last night with some really random person. I was automatically logged in to Skype when a message box just popped up and some random person said 'hi' to me. I thought it'd probably just be another one of those people trying to spam me by advertising links to porn websites, but it turned out to be another actual human being! It was this person from China who had just recently graduated from university after having studied English there! It certainly felt weird chatting to a complete unknown but it brought back memories to many years ago when I used to go into chat rooms to chat to random people..

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