Wednesday 9 January 2008


On Monday Aonghas and I were invited to play tennis again with Chen, Rose, Angie and Deanna in the afternoon. When we got there, all the tennis courts with nets were occupied, and so we just sat around for a while till Aonghas and I decided we'd just smash the tennis ball across the nearby netball courts. When Angie arrived we just went on the courts with no nets to play some tennis with imaginary nets (sorta hard!).

Once again I was initially paired up with Angie to play doubles against Rose and Deanna while Chen and Aonghas played on the adjacent court. I probably let Angie down with my terrible shots and misses. I did improve slightly in that I only hit the ball over the fence once this time, and it went into the playground instead of the road! I also managed to talk a little to Angie while playing tennis too which is a slight improvement on last time, when she didn't really say much to me at all! I don't know why I've been a little lost for words lately!

After a while though, Chen and Aonghas were getting restless and asked if they could take on Angie and Rose, and so Deanna and I were sidelined. With not much to do I suggested we go over to the playground next door and play on the swings, and so for probably half an hour while the others played their tennis game, Deanna and I just talked while swinging on the swings. It was pretty cool getting to know her a little better. After I got off my swing to show her some photos on my phone, some little boy jumped on my swing and so we walked back to see how the tennis was going.

They had just finished and were taking a break, and once they got off the court it was quickly taken by someone else, so we just sat around and talked for a while before Angie's mum came to take her and Rose home. Deanna's mum took a little while longer and so once Chen's dad came to pick us up, we just waited a little while longer for Deanna's mum to come before leaving.

What's been really inspiring is the number of Polynesian people and families that come to play tennis. During the times we've been there they've definitely outnumbered the Pakeha people there. It's really good to see them out there getting some fresh air and exercise and also encouraging their children to do so too. It just makes me want to continue Health Science even more! OK maybe just a teeny weeny bit...

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