Saturday 1 September 2007

Studio Show

Last night was the last studio show performance for the lot and also for the year. I'm sure it would've been quite emotional for some of the year 13's as it would be their last ever at Rutherford. I remember my supposedly last Studio Show last year, and then ended up performing at another one! Aonghas didn't have a solo prepared and so he asked if I could come along and perform a duet with him, and I was allowed to.

At first it was a bit weird because I didn't think anyone knew me, but on Thursday and Friday night 'back stage' in the music room, a few of the Bring It On dancers came over and started talking to us and recognised me from last year which was cool even though some kept calling me Aonghas!

Last night was probably the most important night of the three for us. Aonghas's group of friends came, so too did Chen and our mum (unexpectedly!), and Mr Moore the principal! In addition to this, Aonghas and I came during the half-time break for the first two performances, but because we wanted to record the final performance we had to arrive earlier. Aonghas and Chen were at this school radio show thing until 6.45pm, and the show started at 7.30pm, so as soon as they got home we had to rush straight to school so Aonghas could set the camera and everything else up! Fortunately our performance went according to plan though so that's good!

There were some incidents at the Studio Show over the past three days:
-On Wednesday night Janet (really good singer!!) left her Ipod in one of the rooms...or somewhere..and it got stolen. It had all her photos and over 3000 songs on it, none of which she had backed up on a computer!!
-On Thursday night backstage as we were about to go onto the stage for the bows I took out my cellphone to read a txt I just got, and I got told off by one of the new teachers I didn't know for having my phone on because it was interfering with their walkie-talkie system...yeah naughty me! In all my years doing Studio Shows I never got told that, but apparently according to Aonghas they made a big deal about it! So maybe I just didn't pay enough attention...
-Last night Janet was just about to perform when one of the guys who was playing with her guitar broke one of her strings and it upset her quiet a bit! Fortunately though they replaced it with one of the strings from a school guitar (ssssssshhh!!!) and Janet went on to perform REALLY well as usual!

Aonghas and I didn't get any performance awards but we weren't really expecting to anyway seeing as Aonghas already won something in the earlier Studio Show, but we rushed back to the music room as soon as our bows were over to prepare to film the Rutherford tradition of the 'ziggy' when we heard them doing it from a distance - they were doing it in the dance room without us!!

All's well though. Even though I was a bit hesitant to return at first, I'm glad I did. It was pretty fun and cool to catch up with some old faces and get to know some new ones.

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