Sunday 16 September 2007

Exams Over For Now

Finally my mid-semester exams are over for...a month...On Wednesday I had one population health lecture over at Tamaki which was about the aging population. To see all those elderly pleading for bigger pensions, and those who were living in pain and poverty was really depressing! I really don't want to get old now!!!! (Actually...when did I ever???)

I only had a few hours after that lecture to study for my economics test. It turned out to be pretty easy (or it was supposed to be!!!!) but I'm quite sure I stuffed it up as usual!

That night my bus didn't even turn up and I had to wait for the next one an hour later which meant hanging around in the city till 9.30pm, so I decided I'd walk all the way down Queen St to the Britomart terminal to kill some time. I then decided to check out how much stuff cost at the Star Mart by the terminal. I was about to leave when the shop keeper called out to me! Initially I thought he was just saying hi and wanted to know if I needed any help and I called back to him

"Oh just having a look!"

He came from behind the counter and wanted to have a closer look at the drink bottle I was carrying! Fair enough. I suppose he thought I was shoplifting!

The next day I had two lectures in the morning before I went straight to the public library and started reading and reading and reading for my health psychology test!! Seven hours later, my health psychology test! I most likely stuffed that test up as well! The multi-choice questions weren't too bad but I think I wrote a lot of rubbish for the short answer questions!

On Friday I had one lecture in the morning, which I almost missed because I slept in and missed the bus! Fortunately my parents dropped me off in the city. After that lecture, I had a one hour study session with Andy before I was seriously bored for the first time in a while! I was checking out the Auckland University website on the computer when I came across a free lunchtime concert to be held at the Music School, with who else but my accordion teacher as one of the performers! I had been meaning to check out one of the free lunchtime performances for some time but kept missing them, so I was adamant I wasn't going to miss this one!

My accordion teacher played one of the pieces I had played a little while ago - The Third Movement of Bach's Italian Concerto, followed by this Chinese train song, in which the audience laughed at his bellow shakes (us accordionists always seem to be getting that whenever we do our bellow shakes!). The guys behind me really enjoyed it afterwards which is good, because the accordion needs a bit more promotion!

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