Saturday 29 September 2007

A Quiz from my Friend Andy

This is a little quiz my friend Andy sent me a while ago. I only just got around to partially translating it so if you can understand the questions and my answers don't make sense, then I'm sorry but my Chinese ain't that great!! Here goes anyway...


点我名的人(Name one person): Diane

1.  喜欢一个人,会不会说出来? (Do you like her, will you ask her out?)

We're...really good friends ;) But nah I wouldn't bother asking her out

2.  择偶标准? (What are you looking for in a wife?)

Ummm....I guess someone who's younger and shorter than me so I can look after them haha nah but really someone who is truly in love with me and is easy and open to talk to. She'll share anything with you and doesn't mind having things being shared with her. She'd be caring and would be able to trust me. She wouldn't be ashamed of me and wouldn't mind showing her love haha that sounds crazy

3.  有勇气敢对自己犯过的错误承认吗? (I couldn't translate this question!!)

4.  你最希望从朋友(不包括爱人)那里得到的是什么? (what you want from friends)

To be there for you, to be able to be yourself around to hang out and just have fun with, to care about you and not have any hidden agendas or ulterior motives (such as using you!) oh and to be able to see past your faults and just enjoy your company

5.  最近最郁闷的事? (most recently worrying matter)

Probably deciding whether to continue studying health science and what to do with myself and my future!!!

6.  最喜欢的歌 (most favourite song)

I have too many, so because I can't single one out, I'll just name my favourite classical pieces..Pomp and Circumstance by Elgar (can't remember which number one of them with the big BOMBOMBOM) as well as Pastoral Symphony by Beethoven...

7.  最受不了自己的哪个缺点? (what people don't like about you)
Not too sure but if they told me it would probably be either that I like gossip (not as much anymore!!!) or that I'm too boring...(I think)

8.  你觉得自己身上什么地方最吸引人? (most appealing body)

Sadly I don't think I have but if I really had to choose, I'd say my thumbnail. So smooth! :D

9.  最近最快乐的事情是什么? (Most recent joyful memory)
Most recent would be KiwiAsian Club ball that was pretty fun but really maybe back at school prize-giving and just the last few days at school being with all my friends before some of them left for overseas, other universities, or turned on each other! Oh and also earlier this year when my friends organised a mini birthday outing for my 18th which I'll never forget - that was really cool of them! (Gwen, Chen, Alex, Zahir and Angie thanks you guys again!)

10. 你去过最好玩的地方是哪? (Most happiest place been to?)
I don't really know...anywhere where I've been happy? But the place I most want to go to is Hong Kong! Even had dreams of going back! It's been eleven years since I last went there now! 

11. 说出点你名的人的3个优点(不可删除题) (3 merits of the person named above)

Has a good heart - she genuinely cares about people and animals, and if she doesn't she'll be honest! (She's honest too which is equally good!)

Always makes me feel better - whenever there's something troubling me she's somehow able to get it all out of me and after texting/chating/talking to her she's able to make me feel all better! She's always there for me despite how annoying I can be to her!

Has good morals - She knows right from wrong, even after worrying/wondering if she's OK and if she's done anything wrong, sure enough she hasn't! (or is just lying to me!!)

She's intelligent - got into vet school in Palmerston North!

OK that's probably way over three things...

12. 谁是这辈子对你影响最深的人(Who in your whole life is the deepest person that affects you the most)
I'm not good at deciding so I'll just name a few (but that doesn't mean to say those who I haven't named aren't important to me!)

My parents - they made me who I am and who I will be (Health Science....HA!) + my brothers - don't really need to say much about them

Yuk kit - I haven't really talked to him much since he left for Hong Kong and only really hung out with him for a year or two but his philosophical ramblings and his persistence in trying to open me up and crack my shell really worked. Thanks to him I became more open about my personal life, loosened up a bit more and tried to enjoy life a bit more

Hyun and Joon - My friends for just a bit over half a decade, they've always been there for me and kept me from being lonely

I would keep going on about Chen, Hussein, Shen (because these guys are really important to me too!), so on and so on and so on....but I might end up with a really long list and I'm sure they already know it all. I'll put something up before I go up for surgery just in case...the worst happens and I'm accidentally decapitated!

13. 最想珍惜的人/事是什么? (what you most want to do)
I want to make my mark on this world or in other words leave a legacy behind when I leave this place, or else I would have lived and died for nothing. Up till university we live to learn, but once we're in the workforce what more do we have to aim for? That's what I'm trying to figure out before I leave university so I have some sort of purpose and goal to achieve in life!

14. 未来2年内想做的事? (In 2 years time what do you want to do?)
Either just about to complete my degree (if I'm doing health science alone) or continuing my degree if I do a conjoint. As long as I'm not doing first year again after changing my degree three times!

15. 梦想中的自己会有怎样的未来? (What is your future dream?)
 I've had a few, either a journalist, politician, a really rich business owner (haha I'm dreaming), orchestra conductor (????)  OK I'm still deciding!

16. 你现在幸福吗?(Are you now happy?)

Yeah I guess you could say I'm content at the moment, trying to make most of now (thanks Vodafone!)

17.  觉得最开心或最感动的那一刻是什么时候? (Most happiest thought or moment)
To know that I'm loved or that I mean something to someone lol (soppy I know!)

18.  你现在最想拥有什么? (What do you most want to have?)

Probably stability in life hahaha

19.  生活绝望的时候,你会选择怎么自我安慰? (During life's despairs, how would you console yourself?)
Sounds stupid but I tell myself that I'm being stupid and that good times will come soon and I've just got to try look for a positive! 

20.  假如你觉的老板或者同事很难沟通,你会想什么办法来解决? (If you find it difficult to communicate with a boss or colleague, how would you solve the problem?)
I would probably try to say the right things for a while just to see what they're like and work out how they think then try get to know them better until I feel confident enough to discuss things with them (does that even make any sense?)

删掉:  13. 最想珍惜的人/事是什么?(I couldn't translate this!!)

点名了: Don't think too many of my friends can read or type Chinese or they don't have blogs!

那么多人  写blog的却少的可怜

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