Wednesday 19 September 2007

A Slight Delay

It looks like I won't be getting my surgery in a couple months after all. Originally I was set to go under the knife on the 12th of November, but I went to the see the orthodontist yesterday and after looking at my teeth they decided they'd keep me wearing braces for a bit longer to try straighten my teeth as much as possible to make them perfect before I undergo surgery. There were still gaps in the places where I had teeth removed earlier. This meant they were going to tighten my braces even more! Now I'm sitting here typing this with toothache! Maybe ice-cream will help a little bit..

Earlier in the day we had been learning about amnesia in health psychology in our tutorial. We watched this video about some guy who had some damage to the hippocampus in his brain (the part which deals with memory) who could only remember for a few minutes and then he would completely forget about everything that had just happened. He wrote diary entries which looked something like

4:30pm 15 July 1980 "I'm Alive!!!!"

4:35pm 15 July 1980 "I'm Alive!!!"

There was a whole diary filled with similar entries like that and when his wife (he remembered his wife...he must be able to retain memories prior to contracting the virus that damaged his hippocampus) confronted him on who wrote the previous entries he would get angry and claim it definitely wasn't him! In other words this guy could only live during a certain moment and would relive it over and over again for the rest of his life, without being able to move forward or recall much from the past. That was so sad!

While I was eating lunch at Albert Park I also caught up with this guy Mark who I met at the KiwiAsian Club ball, which was a bit of a surprise as I didn't think I'd recognise him, and I didn't think I'd recognise him again! This Saturday night the club is holding some gameshow night so I've been trying to decide whether I should go or not!

This Friday night is the Health Science ball at...the Tamaki Campus! It's free though with free food and free drink, talk about cheap! I don't actually know if anyone knows about this ball or if anyone will be going though!

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